The graphs „Medical treatment‰ and „trial centres‰ show the results of the ACST/ACAS trials (expressed as constant hazards of stroke or death from the trials and age dependent h
azards of all other cause mortality from the Flemish male life table at age 70 in the year 200
0). 18 Intervention starts with a short period of high (peri-procedural)
mortality, but the lower post-procedural hazard of deat
h will overtake the higher hazard of ...[+++] medical treatment.The graphs „Medical treatment‰ and „trial centres‰ show the results of the ACST/ACAS trials (expressed as constant hazards of stroke or death from the trials and age dependent h
azards of all other cause mortality from the Flemish male life table at age 70 in the year 2000
).[18] Intervention starts with a short period of high (peri-procedural)
mortality, but the lower post-procedural hazard of deat
h will overtake the higher hazard of ...[+++] medical treatment.