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Chez l’homme
Et AVC chez la femme
Infarctus Aigu du Myocarde
Physician’s Health Study
Women’s Health Study

Traduction de «studie » (Français → Néerlandais) :

case-control study controlled cohort study cohort study comparative study case report

case-control study controlled cohort study cohort study comparative study case report case series cross-sectional study

28 à 35 jours post PTH programmée (RE-NOVATE study) 44 ou pendant 6 à 10 jours post PTG programmée (RE-MODEL study 45 , RE-MOBILISE study 46 ) versus énoxaparine en SC. Les patients inclus dans ces études ont une moyenne d’âge de 63 à 68 ans (ET de 9 à 11).

35 dagen na electieve THP (RE-NO- VATE 44 ) of gedurende 6 tot 10 dagen na electieve TKP (RE-MODEL 45 , RE-MOBILIZE 46 ) versus enoxaparine SC. De geïncludeerde patiënten hebben een gemiddelde leeftijd van 63 tot 68 jaar (SD van 9 tot 11).

Study Ref Population Intervention Outcomes Results Comments Study type

Study Ref Population Intervention Outcomes Results Comments Study type acid group

Table 10: Evidence form HTA review : Breast cancer screening among women aged 40 – 49 Relative risks (intention to treat) with confidence reported for each study together with the results of a stepwise meta-analysis and cumulative CI Study ID Relative risk Confidence interval Cumulative RR Cumutlative CI UK Age Trial (UK) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) NBSS-1 (Canada) 0,97 (0,74-1,27) 0,89 (0,75-1,06) Malmö (Sweden) (0,58-1,77) 0,9 (0,76-1,06) Stockholm (Sweden) 1,08 (0,54-2,17) 0,91 (0,77-1,07) Göteborg (Sweden) 0,65 (0,40-1,05) 0,87 (0,75-1,02) HIP (USA) 0,75 (0,50-1,11) 0,86 (0,74-0,99) TCS (Sweden) 0,93 (0,63-1,36) 0,86 (0,75-0,99 ...[+++]

Table 8: Evidence form HTA review : Breast cancer screening among women aged 40 – 49 Relative risks (intention to treat) with confidence reported for each study together with the results of a stepwise meta-analysis and cumulative CI Study ID Relative risk Confidence interval Cumulative RR Cumutlative CI UK Age Trial (UK) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) NBSS-1 (Canada) 0,97 (0,74-1,27) 0,89 (0,75-1,06) Malmö (Sweden) (0,58-1,77) 0,9 (0,76-1,06) Stockholm (Sweden) 1,08 (0,54-2,17) 0,91 (0,77-1,07) Göteborg (Sweden) 0,65 (0,40-1,05) 0,87 (0,75-1,02) HIP (USA) 0,75 (0,50-1,11) 0,86 (0,74-0,99) TCS (Sweden) 0,93 (0,63-1,36) 0,86 (0,75-0,99) ...[+++]

Study Ref Populatio Interventio Outcome Results Comment Study EL n n s s type Fowler et al., 2003 18 3461 Newborns Congenit Prevalence of congenital infection in the group of newborns born to CH 2b

Study Ref Populatio n Interventio n Outcome s Results Comment s

Table 11: Evidence form HTA review : Breast cancer screening among women aged 40 – 49 Crude RR and and RR adjusted following Cuzick (1997) 22 Study ID study

Table 9: Evidence form HTA review : Breast cancer screening among women aged 40 – 49 Crude RR and and RR adjusted following Cuzick (1997) 21 Study ID study

Table 17: False positive and false negative mammography results (KCE table) Review Study Type of study Findings Range Mushlin et al, 1998 meta‐ analysis probability of false positive screening per screening 0,9 % to 6,5 % Olivotto et al, 1998 Hofvind et al, 2004 Elmore et al, 1998 Elmore et al, 1998 observational

Table 15: False positive and false negative mammography results (KCE table) Review Study Type of study Findings Range Mushlin et al, 1998 meta‐ analysis probability of false positive screening per screening 0,9 % to 6,5 % Olivotto et al, 1998 Hofvind et al, 2004 Elmore et al, 1998 Elmore et al, 1998 observational

Des effets ont toutefois été démontrés sur des critères d’évaluation secondaires ou après analyse de sous-groupes (par ex. IAM [Infarctus Aigu du Myocarde] chez l’homme [Physician’s Health Study] et AVC chez la femme [Women’s Health Study]).

Wel konden effecten aangetoond worden op secundaire eindpunten of na subgroepanalyse (bv. niet-fataal AMI bij mannen (Physician’s Health Study), CVA bij vrouwen (Women’s Health Study)).

We assessed quality by a quality assessment checklist.54 As there is currently no scoring system available for economic studies, we discuss the quality of the studies narratively.

We assessed quality by a quality assessment checklist. 54 As there is currently no scoring system available for economic studies, we discuss the quality of the studies narratively.

from the European Active Surveillance study on Oral Contraceptives based on 142,475 women-years of observation.

European Active Surveillance study on Oral Contraceptives based on 142,475 women-years of observation.

D'autres ont cherché : case-control study     study     for each study     table review study     active surveillance study     studie     

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Date index: 2021-09-10