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Traduction de «study controlled trial » (Français → Néerlandais) :

case series cross-sectional study controlled trial without randomization double blind double blind randomised placebo controlled trial economic evaluation evaluation guidelines

controlled trial without randomization double blind double blind randomised placebo controlled trial economic evaluation evaluation guidelines

Un premier essai randomisé contrôlé : Multivitamins in the Prevention of Cancer in Men - The Physicians' Health Study II Randomized Controlled Trial (plus de 14 000 personnes, 4 ans de suivi) (1).

Een eerste gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde studie was de Multivitamins in the Prevention of Cancer in Men: The Physicians' Health Study II Randomized Controlled Trial (meer dan 14 000 mensen, 4 jaar follow-up) (1).

Arch Intern Med 2006; 166:357-65. Vickers MR, MacLennan AH, Lawton B et al. Main morbidities recorded in the women’s international study of long duration oestrogen after menopause (WISDOM): a randomised controlled trial of hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women.

Oestrogen therapy for prevention of reinfarction in postmenopausal women: a randomised placebo controlled trial.

48. Mayo Asymptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Study Group. Results of a randomized controlled trial of carotid endarterectomy for asymptomatic carotid stenosis.

controlled trial of carotid endarterectomy for asymptomatic carotid stenosis.

10. Hercberg S, Galan P, Preziosi P et al. The SU.VI. MAX Study: : a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the health effects of antioxidant vitamins and minerals.

10.Hercberg S, Galan P, Preziosi P et al. The SU.VI. MAX Study: : a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the health effects of antioxidant vitamins and minerals.

Hercberg S, Galan P, Preziosi P et al. The SU.VI. MAX Study: : a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the health effects of antioxidant vitamins and

verlaagt het risico op neurale buisdefecten bij de fœtus (Cochrane De-Regil: N=5, n=6.105: RR= 0,28 (95% BI 0,15-0,52)

- Richer S, Stiles W, Statkute L, Pulido J, Frankowski J, Rudy D, et al. Double-masked, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of lutein and antioxidant supplementation in the intervention of atrophic age-related macular degeneration: the Veterans LAST study (Lutein Antioxidant Supplementation Trial).

- Lei LC, Chen O, Aldini G, Johnson E, Rasmussen H, Yasukazu Y et al. Supplementation with lutein or lutein plus green tea extracts does not change ocidative stress in adequately nourished older adults. J Nutr Biochem 2009, in press

31. Gaziano JM , Glynn RJ, Christen WG et al. Vitamins E and C in the prevention of prostate and total cancer in men: the Physicians' Health Study II randomized controlled trial.

31.Gaziano JM , Glynn RJ, Christen WG et al. Vitamins E and C in the prevention of prostate and total cancer in men: the Physicians' Health Study II randomized controlled trial.

28. Sesso HD, Buring JE, Christen WG et al. Vitamins E and C in the prevention of cardiovascular disease in men: the Physicians’ Health Study II randomized controlled trial.

28.Sesso HD, Buring JE, Christen WG et al. Vitamins E and C in the prevention of cardiovascular disease in men: the Physicians’ Health Study II randomized controlled trial.

Aliment Pharamcol Ther 2009; 29:55-68. van Marrewijk C, Mujakovic S, Fransen G et al. Effect and cost-effectiveness of step-up versus step-down treatment with antacids, H2-receptor antagonists, and proton pump inhibitors in patients with new onset dyspepsia (DIAMOND study): primary-care-based randomised controlled trial.

Aliment Pharamcol Ther 2009; 29:55-68. Numans ME, de Wit NJ, Dirven JAM et al. NHG Standaard Maagklachten, tweede herziening.
