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- RR relative risk ou risk ratio

Traduction de «study id relative risk » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Table 10: Evidence form HTA review : Breast cancer screening among women aged 40 – 49 Relative risks (intention to treat) with confidence reported for each study together with the results of a stepwise meta-analysis and cumulative CI Study ID Relative risk Confidence interval Cumulative RR Cumutlative CI UK Age Trial (UK) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) NBSS-1 (Canada) 0,97 (0,74-1,27) 0,89 (0,75-1,06) Malmö (Sweden) (0,58-1,77) 0,9 (0,76-1,06) Stockholm (Sweden) 1,08 (0,54-2,17) 0,91 (0,77-1,07) Göteborg (Sweden) 0,65 (0,40-1,05) 0,87 (0,75-1,02) HIP (USA) 0,75 (0,50-1,11) 0,86 (0,74-0,99) TCS (Sweden) 0,93 (0,63-1,36) 0,86 (0,75-0,99 ...[+++]

Table 8: Evidence form HTA review : Breast cancer screening among women aged 40 – 49 Relative risks (intention to treat) with confidence reported for each study together with the results of a stepwise meta-analysis and cumulative CI Study ID Relative risk Confidence interval Cumulative RR Cumutlative CI UK Age Trial (UK) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) NBSS-1 (Canada) 0,97 (0,74-1,27) 0,89 (0,75-1,06) Malmö (Sweden) (0,58-1,77) 0,9 (0,76-1,06) Stockholm (Sweden) 1,08 (0,54-2,17) 0,91 (0,77-1,07) Göteborg (Sweden) 0,65 (0,40-1,05) 0,87 (0,75-1,02) HIP (USA) 0,75 (0,50-1,11) 0,86 (0,74-0,99) TCS (Sweden) 0,93 (0,63-1,36) 0,86 (0,75-0,99) ...[+++]

Spontaneous cessation rate: 2.5% OR counselling only: 1.73 Incremental OR NRT gum (relative to counselling only): 1.63 Incremental OR NRT patch (relative to counselling only): 1.79 Incremental OR NRT spray (relative to counselling only): 2.35 Incremental OR NRT inhaler (relative to counselling only): 2.14 Incremental OR Buproprion (relative to counselling only): 2.30 % of smokers still under treatment after the first month: 50% (range 40-60% in sensitivity analysis) % of smokers still under treatment after the second month: 20% (range 15-25% in sensitivity analysis) Lifetime relapse probability after one year of abstinence: 35% (range 10 ...[+++]

Spontaneous cessation rate: 2.5% OR counselling only: 1.73 Incremental OR NRT gum (relative to counselling only): 1.63 Incremental OR NRT patch (relative to counselling only): 1.79 Incremental OR NRT spray (relative to counselling only): 2.35 Incremental OR NRT inhaler (relative to counselling only): 2.14 Incremental OR bupropion (relative to counselling only): 2.30 % of smokers still under treatment after the first month: 50% (range 40-60% in sensitivity analysis) % of smokers still under treatment after the second month: 20% (range 15-25% in sensitivity analysis) Lifetime relapse probability after one year of abstinence: 35% (range 10- ...[+++]

Remerciements : Pour son aide précieuse relative à la méta-analyse : Cécile Dubois (KCE) Pour leur contribution au scoring des indicateurs : Raf Brouns et Matthieu Rutgers (Belgian Stroke Council) Pour la validation de la description de leur pays : Suède : Kiell Asplund (Chair, Risks Stroke Umea), Bo Norrving (Professor, Lund University-Steering committee member Riks stroke) Pays-Bas : Martien Limburg (Neuroloog, Flevoziekenhuis, Almere, Stichting Kennisnetwerk) Ecosse : Martin Dennis (Division of Clinical Neurosc ...[+++]

Acknowledgements: Voor haar waardevolle bijdrage in het gedeelte over meta-analyse: Cécile Dubois (KCE) Voor hun bijdrage bij het scoren van de indicatoren: Raf Brouns en Matthieu Rutgers (Belgian Stroke Council) Voor het valideren van de informatie over hun land: Zweden: Kiell Asplund (Chair, Risks Stroke Umeal), Bo Norrving (Professor, Lund University-Steering committee member Riks stroke) Nederland: Martien Limburg (Neuroloog, Flevoziekenhuis, Almere, Stichting Kennisnetwerk); Schotland: Martin Dennis (Division of Clinical Neurosciences – Western General Hospital University of Edinburgh), Peter Langhorne (Professor of Stroke Care, Ca ...[+++]

Du RHM (2008): fichier ‘données relatives au patient’: champ 5: année de naissance; fichier ‘données relatives au séjour’: champ 17: sexe, champ 22: code statut en matière d’assurance, champ 23: lieu avant l’admission, champ 24: type d’admission, champ 25: renvoi par, champ 26: destination, champ 27: type de sortie; numéro d’agréation de l’hôpital, année d’enregistrement, période d’enregistrement, numéro de séjour, variable dérivée APR-DRG 15.0, variable dérivée Risk of mortality, variable dérivée Severity of illness; fichier ‘donn ...[+++]

Uit de MZG (2008): Bestand ‘gegevens over de patiënt’: Veld 5: geboortejaar; Bestand ‘gegevens over het verblijf’: Veld 17: geslacht, Veld 22: code verzekeringsstatus, Veld 23: plaats voor opname, Veld 24: type opname; Veld 25: verwezen door, Veld 26: bestemming, Veld 27: type ontslag; Erkenningsnummer van het ziekenhuis, Registratiejaar, Registratieperiode, Verblijfsnummer, Afgeleide variabele APR-DRG 15.0, Afgeleide variabele Risk of mortality, Afgeleide variabele Severity of illness; Bestand ‘gegevens over het verblijf’: Veld 29: geverifieerde opnamediagnose, Bestand ‘gegevens over de diagnoses’, Veld 6: code hoofd- / nevendiagnos ...[+++]

In the reviews of CEA, it is shown that the posterior risk tends to be more constant, not the relative risk (the posterior risk divided by the prior risk) (see figure 4 in cited reference) 23 .

In the reviews of CEA, it is shown that the posterior risk tends to be more constant, not the relative risk (the posterior risk divided by the prior risk) (see figure 4 in cited reference)23.

oral glucose tolerance test Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance odds ratio over-the-counter papanicolou plasma protein A polymerase chain reaction Public Health Laboratory Service pregnancy-induced hypertension proton pump inhibitor positive predictive value premature rupture of membranes routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists randomised controlled trial eferences rhesus D recombinant immunoblot assay Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering ribonucleic acid random plasma glucose rapid plasmin reagin test relative ...[+++]

Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance odds ratio over-the-counter papanicolou plasma protein A polymerase chain reaction Public Health Laboratory Service pregnancy-induced hypertension proton pump inhibitor positive predictive value premature rupture of membranes routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists randomised controlled trial eferences rhesus D recombinant immunoblot assay Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering ribonucleic acid random plasma glucose rapid plasmin reagin test relative risk ...[+++]ent strip testing standard deviation single entry two step symphysis-fundal height small for gestational age Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network sexueel overdraagbare aandoening Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada symphysis pubis dysfunction Treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay thyroïd stimulating hormone nconjugated oestriol United Kingdom United States Centers for Disease Control and

ERR: excess relative risk/ excès de risque relatif.

ERR: excess relative risk/ toegevoegd relatief risico.

7. L’asbl Belgian study group for pediatric endocrinology (BSGPE) gère, depuis 1985, le Registre belge pour l'étude des problèmes de croissance et de puberté, dans lequel sont enregistrées, sur la base du consentement éclairé des personnes concernées ou de leur(s) représentant(s) légal (légaux), des données à caractère personnel relatives à la santé de la plupart des enfants qui sont traités en Belgique par des hormones de croissance.

7. De vzw Belgian study group for pediatric endocrinology (BSGPE) beheert sedert 1985 het Belgisch register voor onderzoek naar groei- en puberteitsproblemen waarin, op grond van de geïnformeerde toestemming van de betrokkenen of hun wettelijk vertegenwoordiger(s), persoonsgegevens die de gezondheid betreffen, worden opgeslagen van kinderen die in België met groeihormonen worden behandeld.

In this chapter, we highlighted the indicators for which we observed a relative risk (RR) as large as 1.2 (or 0.83 when the gradient was reverse). Limitations The inequalities could not be measured for all the indicators due to lack of data on social position.

Limitations The inequalities could not be measured for all the indicators due to lack of data on social position.

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Date index: 2024-01-07