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High risk pregnancy
Low risk pregnancy
Pour les sites néerlandophones.
Risicostratificatie zwangerschap
Risk stratification pregnancy

Traduction de «the risk of shareholder » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of risks and uncertainties. Risks and uncertainties related to the acquisition of King by Pfizer that could cause results to differ from expectations include: uncertainties as to the timing of the merger; the possibility that a governmental entity may prohibit or delay the consummation of the merger; and the risk of shareholder litigation, including the disposition of currently pending litigation, in connection with the merger.

Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of risks and uncertainties.

Pfizer Hosts Annual Meeting Of Shareholders Declares 20-Cent Second-Quarter 2011 Dividend

Pfizer Declares A 20-Cent Third-Quarter 2011 Dividend

Pfizer Invites Public To Listen To Webcast Of April 26 Annual Meeting Of Shareholders

Pfizer Hosts Annual Meeting Of Shareholders Declares 22-Cent Second-Quarter 2012 Dividend

In the reviews of CEA, it is shown that the posterior risk tends to be more constant, not the relative risk (the posterior risk divided by the prior risk) (see figure 4 in cited reference) 23 .

In the reviews of CEA, it is shown that the posterior risk tends to be more constant, not the relative risk (the posterior risk divided by the prior risk) (see figure 4 in cited reference)23.

This release contains forward-looking information that involves substantial risks and uncertainties regarding Prevenar 13, including its potential benefits; and the success of the AMC project for vaccines. Such risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development; whether and when regulatory authorities in countries where regulatory applications for Prevenar 13 may be pending or may be submitted will approve such applications and their decisions regarding labeling and other matters that could affect its availability or commercial potential; and competitive developments. A further ...[+++]

Such risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development; whether and when regulatory authorities in countries where regulatory applications for Prevenar 13 may be pending or may be submitted will approve such applications and their decisions regarding labeling and other matters that could affect its availability or commercial potential; and competitive developments.

This release contains forward-looking information that involves substantial risks and uncertainties regarding Prevenar 13, including its potential benefits; and the success of the AMC project for vaccines. Such risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development; whether and when regulatory authorities in countries where regulatory applications for Prevenar 13 may be pending or may be submitted will approve such applications and their decisions regarding labeling and other matters that could affect its availability or commercial potential; and competitive developments. A further ...[+++]

Such risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the uncertainties inherent in research and development; whether and when regulatory authorities in countries where regulatory applications for Prevenar 13 may be pending or may be submitted will approve such applications and their decisions regarding labeling and other matters that could affect its availability or commercial potential; and competitive developments.

¤ chaque fois, les termes de recherche suivants ont été utilisés : [risk stratification pregnancy], [low risk pregnancy], [high risk pregnancy], ou [risicostratificatie zwangerschap], [laagrisicozwangerschap], [hoogrisicozwangerschap] pour les sites néerlandophones.

Telkens werden de volgende zoektermen gehanteerd: [risk stratification pregnancy], [low risk pregnancy], [high risk pregnancy], of [risicostratificatie zwangerschap], [laagrisicozwangerschap], [hoogrisicozwangerschap] in geval van Nederlandstalige sites.

7, 8 Figure 2 shows the danger of combined risk factors, as these tend to interact: all three for stroke important risk factors give you the stroke risk of a person that is not less than 32 years older.

1A).7, 8 shows the danger of combined risk factors, as these tend to interact: all three for stroke important risk factors give you the stroke risk of a person that is not less than 32 years older.

A further list and description of risks and uncertainties can be found in Pfizer’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 and in its reports on Form 10-Q and Form 8-K.

A further list and description of risks and uncertainties can be found in Pfizer’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 and in its reports on Form 10-Q and Form 8-K. # # # # #

Ce dialogue permanent avec la communauté médicale en Belgique et au Luxembourg se traduit concrètement dans de nombreuses initiatives telles que : Partners in Practice (un programme de formation continue scientifiquement fondé) et les e-tools connus sous les noms d'e-Risk calculator (pour l'évaluation du risque cardiovasculaire global), d'e-Kompas Diabetes (pour le suivi des patients diabétiques) et d'e-Respi Guide (pour la prise en charge de la BPCO/l'asthme).

Deze permanente dialoog met de artsengemeenschap in België en Luxemburg krijgt concreet vorm in tal van initiatieven zoals: Partners in Practice (een wetenschappelijk onderbouwd navormingsprogramma) en de gekende e-tools onder de namen e-Risk calculator (voor de evaluatie van het globaal cardiovasculair risico), e-Kompas Diabetes (voor de opvolging van diabetespatiënten) en e-Respi Guide (voor de aanpak van COPD/astma).

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Date index: 2024-08-21