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Affection d'un rein transplanté
Anguille d'Europe
Encéphalite d'Europe centrale transmise par des tiques
Fédération de Russie - Europe
Pays de l'Europe centrale
Pays de l'Europe de l'Est
Pays de l'Europe occidentale
Poumon transplanté
Transplantation du rein

Vertaling van "transplantation in europe " (Frans → Nederlands) :


Encéphalite d'Europe centrale transmise par des tiques

door teken overgebrachte Centraal-Europese encefalitis

De ce nu vrem să donăm organe, by Ramona Samoila » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

De ce nu vrem să donăm organe, by Ramona Samoila » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

Rafael Matesanz says the key to securing organ donation is to talk, by Javier Granda Revilla » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

Rafael Matesanz says the key to securing organ donation is to talk, by Javier Granda Revilla » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

España es ejemplo en Europa para las donaciones de órganos, by Francesco Acedo » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

España es ejemplo en Europa para las donaciones de órganos, by Francesco Acedo » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

Latvijas iedzīvotāji nevēlas ziedot orgānus, by Inga Paparde » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

Latvijas iedzīvotāji nevēlas ziedot orgānus, by Inga Paparde » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

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DONAREA ŞI TRANSPLANTUL DE ORGANE între deziderat şi program coerent, by Dr Aurel F. Martin » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

DONAREA ŞI TRANSPLANTUL DE ORGANE între deziderat şi program coerent, by Dr Aurel F. Martin » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

Kust saab beebi uue maksa? by Heaidit Kaio » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

Kust saab beebi uue maksa? by Heaidit Kaio » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

EU objective: to raise European organ donation rates to the same level, by Javier Granda Revilla » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

EU objective: to raise European organ donation rates to the same level, by Javier Granda Revilla » Participant to the EU Journalists workshop on organ donation and transplantation in Europe, 10 November 2010

L’étude PROTECT 1 (Tenderich et al., 2007) consistait en un essai de sécurité et d’efficacité mené en Europe entre janvier 2006 et février 2007 chez 20 patients transplantés ayant reçu un greffon conservé grâce au Organ Care System (OCM TM ).

De PROTECT 1 studie (Tenderich et al., 2007) bestond uit een veiligheids- en effectiviteitstrial die tussen januari 2006 en februari 2007 in Europa werd gevoerd met 20 patiënten bij wie een hart overgeplant werd dat met het Organ Care System (OCM TM ) werd bewaard.

D’autres groupes de transplantation pulmonaire en Europe (Vienne, Hannovre, Newcastle, Milan, Paris) ont actuellement entrepris des Tx cliniques de poumons ECD après EVLP (communication personnelle).

Andere longtransplantatieteams in Europa (Wenen, Hannover, Newcastle, Milaan, Parijs) zijn momenteel begonnen met klinische transplantaties van ECD-longen na EVLP (persoonlijke mededeling).

Ces dernières années, le WNV apparaît le plus souvent sous la forme d’épidémies en Europe.Il a été transmis lors de transplantations d’organes, lors de transfusions de sang, par voie transplacentaire et par voie percutanée lors de piqûres d’aiguille accidentelles (Eastlund, 2004; CDC, 2005).

WNV komt de laatste jaren meer voor onder de vorm van outbreaks in Europa. WNV werd overgedragen via orgaantransplantaties, bloedtransfusie, transplancentair, en percutaan via naaldprikaccidenten (Eastlund, 2004; CDC, 2005).

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Date index: 2022-06-02