scope and purpose: 10/12 stakeholders involvement: 8/16 rigour of development: 7/28 (methods available only on request) clarity and presentation: 8/16 applicability: 3/12 editorial independence: 2/8 question: adequate search: insufficient selection: unclear quality appraisal: fair data-extraction: not given characteristics of original studies: not given meta-analysis: no pooling
scope and purpose: 10/12 stakeholders involvement: 8/16 rigour of development: 7/28 (methods available only on request) clarity and presentation: 8/16 applicability: 3/12 editorial independence: 2/8 question: adequate search: insufficient selection: unclear quality appraisal: fair data-extraction: not given characteristics of original studies: not given meta-analysis: no pooling Randomisation: good concealment of allocation: no Blinding of outcome assessors: unclear Baseline characteristics comparable: yes Follow-up: sufficient Intention-to-treat: yes Contamination: unclear