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Vertaling van "workforce " (Frans → Nederlands) :

79,138 Workforce counts: better dataa on the supply side available, but data on the need side still lacking No indicators of the needs have been defined yet in this report, but the reflection should continue on this topic.

An example of micro data is a recent transparency in ambulatory supplements as well as in private hospital large-scale European nursing workforce study based on survey data.

Alors que les études randomisées sur le rôle possible des leucocytes transfusés (concentrés non filtrés) donnent en général des résultats discordants (Vamvakas & Blachjman, 2007; Englehart et al., 2009; Bilgin et al., 2010; Rosenbaum et al., 2011) elles sont plus conclusives pour la chirurgie cardiaque (endpoint:: complications postopératoires associées avec une hausse de mortalité) (STS Workforce on Evidence Based Surgery, 2011).

Terwijl de gerandomiseerde studies in het algemeen tegenstrijdige resultaten geven over de mogelijke rol van getransfundeerde leukocyten (ongefiltreerde concentraten) (Vamvakas & Blachjman, 2007; Englehart et al., 2009; Bilgin et al., 2010; Rosenbaum et al., 2011) zijn ze conclusiever inzake hartchirurgie (endpoint: postoperatieve complicaties die met een stijging van de mortaliteit geassocieerd worden) (STS Workforce on Evidence Based Surgery, 2011).

Le rapport d’étude en anglais: Sustainable work and the ageing workforce

Het onderzoeksrapport in het Engels: Sustainable work and the ageing workforce

Vous pouvez consulter ce rapport en anglais sur le site web de l’Agence européenne: Workforce diversity and risk assessment: Ensuring everyone is covered

Raadpleeg het rapport in het Engels op de website van het Europees Agentschap: Workforce diversity and risk assessment: Ensuring everyone is covered

L’Agence européenne souligne dans son nouveau rapport “Workforce diversity and risk assessment: Ensuring everyone is covered” [Diversité de la main-d'oeuvre et évaluation des risques: pour que tous soient couverts] la nécessité de procéder à une évaluation globale des risques pour prendre en compte la diversité de la main d'oeuvre dans l'évaluation et la gestion des risques.

Het Europees Agentschap onderstreept in zijn nieuw rapport “Workforce diversity and risk assessment: Ensuring everyone is covered” de noodzaak om een omvattende risicobeoordeling te verrichten die rekening houdt met de diversiteit onder het personeel bij het beoordelen en beheren van risico's.

Eurofound publishes a study on sustainable work and the ageing workforce 12/12/2012

Eurofound publishes a study on sustainable work and the ageing workforce 12-12-2012

USA, NIOSH, blog- Safer and Healthier at Any Age: Strategies for an Ageing Workforce 03/08/2012

USA, NIOSH, blog- Safer and Healthier at Any Age: Strategies for an Ageing Workforce 03-08-2012

Indeed, several informal sourcess point out that the needs are insufficiently problems thatt require inpatient treatment; met, at least as far as the nurse workforce is concerned.

met, at least as far as the nurse workforce is concerned.

Intensive, community based, treatment teams for acute as well as for Data on the need side chronic physical conditions; Workforce planning also requires information on the need/demand side,

Intensive, community based, treatment teams for acute as well as for Workforce planning also requires information on the need/demand side, chronic physical conditions; information thatt is currently scarce.

Indeed, since the end of the 20th the medical workforce was estimated by the total number of licensed century, a strong de-institutionalization movement in the mental healthcare medical doctors (regardless of whether they worked in the healthcare sector has led to the development of new models of organization.

Indeed, since the end of the 20th medical doctors (regardless of whether they worked in the healthcare century, a strong de-institutionalization movement in the mental healthcare sector or not).

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Date index: 2023-11-21