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Commission canadienne des droits de la personne

Vertaling van "CCDP " (Frans → Nederlands) :

Commission canadienne des droits de la personne | CCDP [Abbr.]

Canadese commissie voor de mensenrechten | Canadese mensenrechtencommissie | CHRC [Abbr.]

Comité de coordination et de dialogue sur les politiques | CCDP [Abbr.]

Comité coördinatie en beleidsdialoog | CCB [Abbr.]
Le rôle du CCDP (Centre de coopération policière et douanière), fondé en 2002, a aussi été renforcé.

De rol van het CCPD – Centrum voor Politie- en Douanesamenwerking, opgericht in 2002, is ook versterkt.

Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; High capacity digital radio systems carrying SDH signals (up to 2 x STM-1) in frequency bands with about 30 MHz channel spacing and using co-polar arrangements or Co-Channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) operation (V1.3.1e édition)

Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; High capacity digital radio systems carrying SDH signals (up to 2 x STM-1) in frequency bands with about 30 MHz channel spacing and using co-polar arrangements or Co-Channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) operation (V1.3.1e uitgave)

Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; High capacity digital radio systems carrying SDH signals (up to 2 x STM-1) in frequency bands with about 30 MHz channel spacing and using Co-polar arrangements or Co-Channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) operation (V1.2.1 édition)

Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; High capacity digital radio systems carrying SDH signals (up to 2 x STM-1) in frequency bands with about 30 MHz channel spacing and using Co-polar arrangements or Co-Channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) operation (V1.2.1e uitgave)

Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; High capacity fixed radio systems carrying SDH signals (2 x STM-1) in frequency bands with 40 MHz channel spacing and using Co-channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) operation (V1.2.1e édition)

Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; High capacity fixed radio systems carrying SDH signals (2 x STM-1) in frequency bands with 40 MHz channel spacing and using Co-channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) operation (V1.2.1e uitgave)

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Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; High capacity digital radio systems transmitting STM-4 or 4 x STM-1 in a 40 MHz radio frequency channel using Co-Channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) operation (V1.2.1e édition)

Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; High capacity digital radio systems transmitting STM-4 or 4 x STM-1 in a 40 MHz radio frequency channel using Co-Channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) operation (V1.2.1e uitgave)

Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; High capacity digital radio systems transmitting STM-4 or 4 x STM-1 in a 40 MHz radio frequency channel using Co-Channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) operation (édition V1.1.1)

Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; High capacity digital radio systems transmitting STM-4 or 4 x STM-1 in a 40 MHz radio frequency channel using Co-Channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) operation (uitgave V1.1.1)

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Date index: 2024-11-26