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Centre d'études de la politique européenne
Centre de politique européenne
Centre for European Policy Studies
European Policy Centre
Trans European Policy Studies Association

Vertaling van "European Policy Centre " (Frans → Nederlands) :

Centre de politique européenne | European Policy Centre | EPC [Abbr.]

European Policy Centre | EPC [Abbr.]

Centre d'études de la politique européenne | Centre for European Policy Studies | CEPS [Abbr.]

Centrum voor Europese Beleidsstudies | CEPS [Abbr.]

Trans European Policy Studies Association | TEPSA [Abbr.]

Trans European Policy Studies Association | Tepsa [Abbr.]
— M. Karel Lannoo, Centre for European Policy Studies.

— de heer Karel Lannoo, CEO van het Centre for European Policy Studies.

— M. Karel Lannoo, Centre for European Policy Studies.

— de heer Karel Lannoo, CEO van het Centre for European Policy Studies.

La recommandation European Policy Centre« EPC » dont il est question semble ne pas concerner les cartes sans contact pour des applications de télébillettique.

De European Policy Centre (" EPC" )-aanbeveling waarvan sprake lijkt geen betrekking te hebben op de contactloze kaarten voor biljettenautomaattoepassingen.

2. Exposé introductif de M. Karel Lannoo, CEO du Centre for European Policy Studies (CCEPS)

2. Inleidende uiteenzetting door de heer Karel Lannoo, CEO van het Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

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Audition de M. Karel Lannoo, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

Hoorzitting met de heer Karel Lannoo, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

During the high level meeting in Bamako, "the Parties agreed to support the creation by le Mali of the Migration Information and Management Centre". The general objective is the definition and implementation by Mali of a migratory policy adapted to the regional and European policies and dynamics. The specific objective is the setting up of the Migration Information and Management Centre which will implement and coordinate the various elements of Mali's migration policy. Th ...[+++]

During the high level meeting in Bamako, "the Parties agreed to support the creation by le Mali of the Migration Information and Management Centre". The general objective is the definition and implementation by Mali of a migratory policy adapted to the regional and European policies and dynamics. The specific objective is the setting up of the Migration Information and Management Centre which will implement and coordinate the various elements of Mali's migration policy. Th ...[+++]

En outre, la Commission a participé à des tables rondes organisées sous les auspices du Centre de politique européenne ( European Policy Centre , EPC) avec certaines parties prenantes de premier plan[19].

Daarnaast heeft de Commissie deelgenomen aan rondetafelgesprekken met geselecteerde belangrijke stakeholders onder auspiciën van het European Policy Centre (EPC)[19].

- European Policy Centre (EPC) (Centre de politique européenne)

- Centrum voor Europese Beleidsstudies (CEPS),

[8] Voir, par exemple: Centre for European Policy Studies, «EU Corporate Tax Reform», rapport de novembre 2001 et «An EU Company without an EU Tax?

[8] Zie bv.: Centre for European Policy Studies, "EU Corporate Tax Reform", verslag van november 2001 en "An EU Company without an EU Tax?

[66] Voir par exemple Egenhofer, C. et Legge, T., 2002: Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Europe, Conditions for Environmental Credibility and Economic Efficiency, CEPS Task Force Report N. 43, Bruxelles: Centre for European Policy Studies.

[66] Zie bijvoorbeeld Egenhofer, C. Legge, T., 2002: Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Europe, Conditions for Environmental Credibility and Economic Efficiency, CEPS Task Force Report N. 43, Brussel: Centrum voor Europese Beleidsstudies.

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Date index: 2021-07-07