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Vertaling van "has been called the vulture " (Frans → Nederlands) :

Monsieur Thimothy T. Thahane, ancien ministre des Finances du Lesotho, proposait déjà en 2002, lors d'une réunion au sein du FMI des ministres africains, la solution suivante aux fonds vautours: « There is also the problem of what has been called the vulture funds, and these are funds that have purchased the debt that was from the secondary markets, and now they are coming back to the HIPC countries suing for payments.

De heer Thimothy T. Thahane, toenmalig minister van Financiën van Lesotho stelde reeds in 2002 op een vergadering bij het IMF van Afrikaanse ministers volgende oplossing voor inzake de aasgierfondsen : « There is also the problem of what has been called the vulture funds, and these are funds that have purchased the debt that was from the secondary markets, and now they are coming back to the HIPC countries suing for payments.

Monsieur Thimothy T. Thahane, l'ancien ministre des Finances du Lesotho, proposait déjà en 2002, lors d'une réunion au sein du FMI des ministres africains, la solution suivante aux fonds vautour: « There is also the problem of what has been called the vulture funds, and these are funds that have purchased the debt that was from the secondary markets, and now they are coming back to the HIPC countries suing for payments.

De heer Thimothy T. Thahane, toenmalig minister van Financiën van Lesotho stelde reeds in 2002 op een vergadering bij het IMF van Afrikaanse ministers volgende oplossing voor inzake de aasgierfondsen : « There is also the problem of what has been called the vulture funds, and these are funds that have purchased the debt that was from the secondary markets, and now they are coming back to the HIPC countries suing for payments.

Monsieur Thimothy T. Thahane, ancien ministre des Finances du Lesotho, proposait déjà en 2002, lors d'une réunion au sein du FMI des ministres africains, la solution suivante aux fonds vautours: « There is also the problem of what has been called the vulture funds, and these are funds that have purchased the debt that was from the secondary markets, and now they are coming back to the HIPC countries suing for payments.

De heer Thimothy T. Thahane, toenmalig minister van Financiën van Lesotho stelde reeds in 2002 op een vergadering bij het IMF van Afrikaanse ministers volgende oplossing voor inzake de aasgierfondsen : « There is also the problem of what has been called the vulture funds, and these are funds that have purchased the debt that was from the secondary markets, and now they are coming back to the HIPC countries suing for payments.

Mme de Bethune souhaite citer les propos de Mme Sima Samar, présidente de l'Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission: « Progress of women's rights has been guaranteed in the constitution, equal rights for women and men has been assured in the constitution, but this has to become a reality in the ground in the country».

Senator de Bethune wenst mevrouw Sima Samar, voorzitter van de Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, te citeren : « Progress of women's rights has been guaranteed in the constitution, equal rights for women and men has been assured in the constitution, but this has to become a reality in the ground in the country».

At the EU-US Summit a few days ago, we and the United States agreed to intensify the transatlantic economic partnership — an idea which certain Members of the European Parliament have supported for some time and which has been much advocated.

Wir haben mit den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika vor einigen Tagen auf dem EUUSA-Gipfel vereinbart, dass wir die transatlantische Wirtschaftspartnerschaft intensivieren wollen — eine Idee, die bereits lange von Mitgliedern des Europäischen Parlaments vertreten wird und für die viel geworben wurde.

Thr General Secretary of the National League for Democracy (NLD), who has spent thirteen of the last eighteen years as a political prisoner under house arrest, had her house arrest extended by the junta, and where on 11 June 2008 official newspapers of the Burmese military junta, including the regime's mouthpiece, The New Light of Myanmar, called for the public flogging of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and whereas the military junta has refused to distance itself from this suggestion.

Thr General Secretary of the National League for Democracy (NLD), who has spent thirteen of the last eighteen years as a political prisoner under house arrest, had her house arrest extended by the junta, and where on 11 June 2008 official newspapers of the Burmese military junta, including the regime's mouthpiece, The New Light of Myanmar, called for the public flogging of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and whereas the military junta has refused to distance itself from this suggestion.

− Madam President, amended orally as follows for paragraph 5: ‘Welcomes the Thai Government’s cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and calls for immediate and full access to all the detained Rohingya boat people in order to define their protection needs; calls at the same time on the Government of Thailand to sign the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol thereto; ’.

– (EN) Mevrouw de Voorzitter, paragraaf 5 gaat na het mondeling amendement als volgt luiden: “is verheugd over de samenwerking van de Thaise regering met de Hoge Commissaris van de Verenigde Naties voor Vluchtelingen en vraagt om onverwijld en onbeperkt toegang te verlenen tot alle vastgehouden Rohingya- bootvluchtelingen, om te kunnen vaststellen in hoeverre zij bescherming behoeven; verzoekt eveneens de regering van Thailand het ...[+++]

At the same time we must call on the Tamil Tiger leaders to abide by the calls of the international community, take advantage of the Government’s offer of amnesty, renounce violence and seek to achieve their aims through political dialogue.

Tegelijkertijd moeten we er bij de leiders van de Tamil Tijgers op aandringen om aan de oproepen van de internationale gemeenschap gehoor te geven, gebruik te maken van de door de regering aangeboden amnestie, de gewelddadigheden te staken en te proberen hun doelen te verwezenlijken door middel van een politieke dialoog.

«Calls for the new resolution to foresee the figure of a Special Envoy of the Secretary-General, with the task of monitoring the situation, ensuring maximum transparency in the capital punishment system and favouring an internal process directed at the implementation of the United Nations resolution on the moratorium on executions».

“vraagt dat de nieuwe resolutie voorziet in de aanstelling van een bijzondere gezant van de secretaris-generaal die tot taak heeft toezicht te houden op de toestand, te zorgen voor een maximale transparantie van het doodstrafuitvoeringssysteem en een intern proces te bevorderen dat gericht is op de uitvoering van de VN-resolutie inzake het moratorium op executies”.

18. welcomes the adoption of the laws amending the Penal Code, the law on the prosecution of civil servants and the law on combating organised crime; emphasises, however, that administrative and legal hurdles must be removed in order to enforce these laws; calls on the Turkish authorities to pursue their work to draw up a new Code of Criminal Procedure conforming with the standards of the European Union, and to revise as a matter of urgency paragraphs 312 and 159 of the Penal Code and Article 8 of the Anti-Terrorism Act in order to preve ...[+++]

18. stemt in met de goedkeuring van de wetten tot herziening van het strafrecht, van de wet inzake de strafvervolging van ambtenaren en van de wet ter bestrijding van de georganiseerde misdaad; wijst evenwel op de noodzaak om de tenuitvoerlegging van deze wetten te waarborgen door de administratieve en juridische belemmeringen op te heffen; verzoekt de Turkse autoriteiten voort te werken aan de opstelling van een nieuw wetboek van strafprocesrecht volgens de normen van de Europese Unie en dringt aan op een spoedige wijziging van de paragrafen 312 en 159 van het Wetboek van Strafrecht en artikel 8 van de Terreurbestrijdingswet, zodat me ...[+++]

Anderen hebben gezocht naar : what has been called the vulture     but     rights has been     few days     which has been     last     called     ‘welcomes the thai     refugees and calls     violence and seek     must call     task     laws     prevent people being     these laws calls     has been called the vulture     

datacenter (12): (

has been called the vulture ->

Date index: 2022-04-16