Cette partie est intitulée : « The State of the Art in communication Intelligence (COMINT) for intelligence purpose of intercepted broadband multi-language leased or common carrier systems, and its applicability to COMINT Targeing and Selection, including speech recognition » et surtout du rapport STOA présenté au Parlement en octobre 1999 (PE 168 184/Vol. 1 à 5) et intitulé « Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of economic Information ».
De titel van dit deel luidt als volgt : « The State of the A
rt in communication Intelligence (COMINT) for intelli
gence purpose of intercepted broadband
multi-language leased or common carrier systems, and its applicability to COMINT Targeting and Selection, including speech recognition » en vooral om het STOA-rapport dat in oktober 1999 aan het Europees Parlement is voorgesteld (PE 168 184/Vol; 1 tot 5), getiteld Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of
...[+++] economic Information.