Au point 8 d'un article intitulé « 18 Reasons Jews Shouldn't Be V
egetarians (And Why They're Wrong) » (Tikkun Magazine, mai-juin 2003), Richard H. Schwartz écrit ce qui suit : « Jews should consider switching t
o vegetarianism not because of the views of animal rights groups (whether they are ho
stile to Judaism or not), but because it is t
he diet most consistent with Jew ...[+++]ish teachings.In zijn artikel, « 18 Reasons Jews Shouldn't Be V
egetarians (And Why They're Wrong) » (TIKKUN MAGAZINE May-June 2003), schrijft Richard H. Schwartz onder punt 8 : » Jews should consider switching t
o vegetarianism not because of the views of animal rights groups (whether they are ho
stile to Judaism or not), but because it is t
he diet most consistent with Jew ...[+++]ish teachings.