La mise en place du nouvel enregistrement des accidents dépend du développement et de l'introduction de la nouvelle application de l'enregistrement des procès-verbaux par la police (Pol Office Circulation) dont la mise en place est prévue à partir de 2010 (CAST = Campaigns and Awareness strategies in Traffic Safety ; PEPPER = Police Enforcement Policy and Programmes on European Roads, DRUID = Driving under the Influence of Drugs; SUPREME = Summary and Publication of Best Practices in Road Safety in the Member States)
De implementatie van de nieuwe ongevallenregistratie is afhankelijk van de ontwikkeling en invoering van de nieuwe applicatie voor de registratie van de processen-verbaal door de politie (Pol Office Verkeer), waarvan de invoering is voorzien vanaf 2010 (CAST = Campaigns and Awareness strategies in Traffic Safety ; PEPPER = Police Enforcement Policy and Programmes on European Roads, DRUID = Driving under the Influence of Drugs; SUPREME = Summary and Publication of Best Practices in Road Safety in the Member States)