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Chief State Solicitor

Traduction de «states to ensure » (Français → Néerlandais) :

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En ce qui concerne les coformulants, la Commission a prévu ce qui suit dans sa proposition: - D'une part, la proposition de renouvellement de l'approbation contient une disposition interdisant la POE-tallowamine comme composant des produits phytopharmaceutiques à base de glyphosate; - D'autre part, dans son review report clarifiant le contexte du renouvellement de l'approbation et auquel référence est faite dans le Règlement de renouvellement de l'approbation, la Commission a prévu que : "Member States shall ensure that the genotoxic potential of formulations containing glyphosate is addressed before granting authorisations for plant pr ...[+++]

Wat betreft de formuleringshulpstoffen heeft de Commissie in haar voorstel het volgende voorzien: - Enerzijds bevat het voorstel tot vernieuwing van de goedkeuring een bepaling waarbij de POE-tallowamine verboden wordt als bestanddeel van glyfosaat bevattende gewasbeschermingsmiddelen; - Anderzijds heeft de Commissie in haar review report, waarin de context van de vernieuwing van de goedkeuring wordt geschetst en waarnaar wordt verwezen in de Verordening tot vernieuwing van de goedkeuring, het volgende opgenomen: "Member States shall ensure that the genotoxic potential of formulations containing glyphosate is addressed before granting a ...[+++]

À ce propos, le Comité des droits de l'enfant affirme : "So States need to give particular attention to ensuring that there are effective, child-sensitive procedures available to children and their representatives.

Het Comité voor de Rechten van het Kind stelt hierover het volgende: "So States need to give particular attention to ensuring that there are effective, child-sensitive procedures available to children and their representatives.

Member States shall cooperate with the Union to ensure that the appropriations entered in the budget are used in accordance with this principle».

Member States shall cooperate with the Union to ensure that the appropriations entered in the budget are used in accordance with this principle.

2. Calls on the EU and its Member States to undertake to introduce integration policies seeking to ensure that due respect is shown for the rights and freedoms of immigrants legally resident within the EU and that, at the same time, the latter show due respect for the duties incumbent on citizens in their host society and the shared values of that society;

2. demande à l'UE et à ses États membres de s'engager à instaurer des politiques d'intégration visant à assurer, d'un côté, le respect des droits et libertés des immigrés y résidant légalement et, de l'autre, le respect par ceux-ci des obligations de citoyenneté et de la communauté des valeurs de la société d'accueil;

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Member States shall cooperate with the Union to ensure that the appropriations entered in the budget are used in accordance with this principle».

Member States shall cooperate with the Union to ensure that the appropriations entered in the budget are used in accordance with this principle.

Moreover, support for enforcement authorities from ECHA was requested by Member State Competent Authorities and the Commission to ensure that national enforcement authorities have access to the ECHA's tools required for their purposes and facilitate the interaction with ECHA.

Moreover, support for enforcement authorities from ECHA was requested by Member State Competent Authorities and the Commission to ensure that national enforcement authorities have access to the ECHA's tools required for their purposes and facilitate the interaction with ECHA.

1. mber States wish to ensure that such material does not eventually end up in hostile hands or failed states.

1. De lidstaten willen verhinderen dat zulk materiaal in vijandige handen of bij mislukte staten terechtkomt.

2. ember States also wish to ensure that defence equipment is not used by criminals within the EU.

2. De lidstaten willen eveneens verhinderen dat defensiematerieel binnen de EU door criminelen wordt gebruikt.

§ Directive 1989/608 on mutual assistance between the administrative authorities of the Member States and cooperation between the latter and the Commission to ensure the correct application of legislation on veterinary and zootechnical matters: CZ, HU

§ Directive 1989/608 on mutual assistance between the administrative authorities of the Member States and cooperation between the latter and the Commission to ensure the correct application of legislation on veterinary and zootechnical matters: CZ, HU

The main suppliers should guarantee easy electronic access and distribution to all users. In line with the initiative of the SPC, Member States should ensure that national data are transmitted so that almost simultaneous publication is possible at national and European level.

The main suppliers should guarantee easy electronic access and distribution to all users. In line with the initiative of the SPC, Member States should ensure that national data are transmitted so that almost simultaneous publication is possible at national and European level.

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Date index: 2023-03-30