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Vertaling van "taking into account " (Frans → Nederlands) :

b) que la solution devrait tenir compte des « réalités » (taking into account the existing realities) de Chypre;

b) dat de oplossing rekening moet houden met de bestaande realiteit (taking into account the existing realities) in Cyprus;

b) que la solution devrait tenir compte des « réalités » (taking into account the existing realities) de Chypre;

b) dat de oplossing rekening moet houden met de bestaande realiteit (taking into account the existing realities) in Cyprus;

La Commission européenne s'est mise d'accord, à l'initiative de la Belgique sur le texte suivant: « The new European international investment policy should be guided by the principles and objectives of the Union external action including the rule of law, human rights, sustainable development as well as taking into account the other policies of the Union and its member States.

De Europese Commissie heeft op initiatief van België overeenstemming bereikt over de volgende tekst : « The new European international investment policy should be guided by the principles and objectives of the Union external action including the rule of law, human rights, sustainable development as well as taking into account the other policies of the Union and its member States.

(n) Ensure that international financial institutions take gender perspectives into account in loan approvals, debt servicing and debt relief, in compliance with commitments to gender equality;

(n) Ensure that international financial institutions take gender perspectives into account in loan approvals, debt servicing and debt relief, in compliance with commitments to gender equality;

In conclusion, a sustainable solution cannot be the result of short-term security considerations, but must take into account long-term humanitarian, political and socioeconomic concerns.

Concluderend kunnen kortetermijnveiligheidsoverwegingen nooit tot een duurzame oplossing leiden, maar moeten humanitaire, politieke en sociaaleconomische overwegingen met het oog op de lange termijn ook in aanmerking worden genomen.

- Enhanced cultural cooperation, which would offer both sides an opportunity to promote, strengthen and exchange their rich cultural diversity, taking into account the recently adopted UNESCO Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions

- Enhanced cultural cooperation, which would offer both sides an opportunity to promote, strengthen and exchange their rich cultural diversity, taking into account the recently adopted UNESCO Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions

In accordance with the clear intention of the Montreal Protocol, and noting the significant ozone depleting potential of methyl bromide, the European Community recognises the ultimate objective of the elimination of its emissions, on the basis of developments in scientific knowledge and taking into account technical and economic conditions.

In overeenstemming met de duidelijke intentie van het Protocol van Montreal onderschrijft de Europese Unie, gelet op het aanzienlijke ozonafbrekende vermogen van methylbromide, de uiteindelijke doelstelling van algehele beëindiging van de emissies van die stof, op basis van ontwikkelingen in de wetenschappelijke kennis en rekening houdend met technische en economische omstandigheden.

In addition, consideration needs to be given to the necessity of controlling the production and uses of HCFCs taking into account the ODP (Ozone Depleting Potential) of the individual substances.

Daarnaast moet worden bezien of het nodig is de produktie en het gebruik van HCFK's te beperken, rekening houdend met het ozonafbrekende vermogen van de verschillende stoffen.

datacenter (12): (

taking into account ->

Date index: 2021-09-02