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European Network for the Treatment of AIDS

Traduction de «the european parliament » (Français → Néerlandais) :

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European Network for the Treatment of AIDS

European Network for the Treatment of AIDS
- Ce titre n'est pas actuellement disponible dans toutes les langues. Conclusion of an Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission (ACI)

- Sluiting van een Interinstitutioneel Akkoord over beter wetgeven tussen het Europees Parlement, de Raad van de Europese Unie en de Europese Commissie

1. a) Quelle est la position de l'Union européenne en matière de discrimination envers les LGBT dans l'armée chypriote grecque? b) La non-représentation de Chypre au sein de l'intergroupe pour les droits LGBT ("The European Parliament's Intergroup on LGBTI Rights") est-elle de mauvaise augure?

1. a) Wat is het standpunt van de Europese Unie inzake LGBT-discriminatie in het Grieks Cypriotische leger? b) Is het een teken aan de wand dat Cyprus geen vertegenwoordigers heeft in de Europese Interfractiewerkgroep voor LGBT-rechten ("The European Parliament's Intergroup on LGBTI Rights")?

At the EU-US Summit a few days ago, we and the United States agreed to intensify the transatlantic economic partnership — an idea which certain Members of the European Parliament have supported for some time and which has been much advocated.

Wir haben mit den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika vor einigen Tagen auf dem EUUSA-Gipfel vereinbart, dass wir die transatlantische Wirtschaftspartnerschaft intensivieren wollen — eine Idee, die bereits lange von Mitgliedern des Europäischen Parlaments vertreten wird und für die viel geworben wurde.

I hope that the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission will be able to reach an agreement here.

Ich hoffe, dass das Europäische Parlament, der Rat und die Kommission sich hier noch einigen werden.

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On peut également mentionner que la directive sur les pesticides actuelle, 91/414/CEE, est en révision et sera à l'avenir remplacée par un règlement (« Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market »).

Ook mag gewezen worden dat de huidige pesticidenrichtlijn 91/414/EEG herzien wordt en in de toekomst vervangen zal worden door een verordening (“Proposal for a Regulation of theEuropean Parliament and the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market”).

Voy. également F. Delpérée et F. Dopagne, op. cit., pp. 63-77, ainsi que W. Pas, « The Belgian « National Parliament » from the Perspective of the EU Constitutional Treaty », in Ph. Kiiver (ed.), National and Regional Parliaments in the European Constitutional Order, Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2006, p. 72, p. 75. De même, voy.

Zie ook F. Delpérée en F. Dopagne, op. cit., blz. 63-77, en W. Pas, « The Belgian « National Parliament » from the Perspective of the EU Constitutional Treaty », in Ph. Kiiver (ed.), National and Regional Parliaments in the European Constitutional Order, Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2006, blz. 72, blz. 75. Zie ook Parlem.

Voy. également F. Delpérée et F. Dopagne, op. cit., pp. 63-77, ainsi que W. Pas, « The Belgian « National Parliament » from the Perspective of the EU Constitutional Treaty », in Ph. Kiiver (ed.), National and Regional Parliaments in the European Constitutional Order, Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2006, p. 72, p. 75. De même, voy.

Zie ook F. Delpérée en F. Dopagne, op. cit., blz. 63-77, en W. Pas, « The Belgian « National Parliament » from the Perspective of the EU Constitutional Treaty », in Ph. Kiiver (ed.), National and Regional Parliaments in the European Constitutional Order, Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2006, blz. 72, blz. 75. Zie ook Parlem.

(EN) «reiterates also Parliament’s request to the Commission and Member States to inform the European Parliament about loans granted by export credit agencies and the European Investment Bank to projects that have a negative impact on the climate».

"herhaalt ook zijn verzoek aan de Europese Commissie en de lidstaten om het Europees Parlement te informeren over door uitvoerkredietdiensten en de Europese Investeringsbank toegestane leningen voor projecten die een negatieve weerslag op het klimaat hebben".

The amendment adapts the Rules of Procedure to the Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament and the Commission on procedures for implementing Council Decision 1999/468 EC laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission, namely its paragraph 16, where for the Regulatory procedure with scrutiny it is foreseen that the time-limit for scrutiny by the two branches of the legislature exceptionally starts to run when Parliament receives the final draft implementing measures in the language versions submitted to the members of the comitology- committee and not in all official lan ...[+++]

The amendment adapts the Rules of Procedure to the Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament and the Commission on procedures for implementing Council Decision 1999/468 EC laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission, namely its paragraph 16. , where for the Regulatory procedure with scrutiny it is foreseen that the time-limit for scrutiny by the two branches of the legislature exceptionally starts to run when Parliament receives the final draft implementing measures in the language versions submitted to the members of the comitology- committee and not in all official l ...[+++]

18. welcomes the adoption of the laws amending the Penal Code, the law on the prosecution of civil servants and the law on combating organised crime; emphasises, however, that administrative and legal hurdles must be removed in order to enforce these laws; calls on the Turkish authorities to pursue their work to draw up a new Code of Criminal Procedure conforming with the standards of the European Union, and to revise as a matter of urgency paragraphs 312 and 159 of the Penal Code and Article 8 of the Anti-Terrorism Act in order to prevent people being prosecuted for their opinions; demands the release of Leyla Zana, winner of the European Parliament Sakharov ...[+++]

18. stemt in met de goedkeuring van de wetten tot herziening van het strafrecht, van de wet inzake de strafvervolging van ambtenaren en van de wet ter bestrijding van de georganiseerde misdaad; wijst evenwel op de noodzaak om de tenuitvoerlegging van deze wetten te waarborgen door de administratieve en juridische belemmeringen op te heffen; verzoekt de Turkse autoriteiten voort te werken aan de opstelling van een nieuw wetboek van strafprocesrecht volgens de normen van de Europese Unie en dringt aan op een spoedige wijziging van de paragrafen 312 en 159 van het Wetboek van Strafrecht en artikel 8 van de Terreurbestrijdingswet, zodat me ...[+++]

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