Monsieur Thimothy T. Thahane, l'ancien ministre des Finances du Lesotho, proposait déjà en 2002, lors d'une réunion au sein du FMI des ministres africains, la solution suivante aux fonds vautour: « There is also the problem of what has been called the vulture funds, and these are funds that have purchased the debt that was from the secondary markets, and now they are coming back to the HIPC countries suing for payments.
De heer Thimothy T. Thahane, toenmalig minister van Financiën van Lesotho stelde reeds in 2002 op een vergadering bij het IMF van Afrikaanse ministers volgende oplossing voor inzake de aasgierfondsen : « There is also the problem of what has been called the vulture funds, and these are funds that have purchased the debt that was from the secondary markets, and now they are coming back to the HIPC countries suing for payments.