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Adviseur systeemintegratie
Applicatie integratie specialist
Computer telephony integration
Data integrator
Data warehouse
Database integratiespecialist
Database integrator
Engineer systeemintegratie
Ict integration engineer
Ict systeem ingenieur
Ict system integration consultant
Integrated data store
Integratie van telefonie en computertoepassingen
Integration engineer
Linked data
Linked open data
Product data management
Semantisch web
Software integration engineer
Very large scale integrated circuit
Web van data

Vertaling van "Data integrator " (Nederlands → Duits) :

data integrator | database integrator | applicatie integratie specialist | database integratiespecialist

Datenintegrationsexperte | Experte für Datenintegration | Datenintegrationsexpertin | Experte für Datenintegration/Expertin für Datenintegration

integrated data store (computer)

integrierte Datenspeicherung

ict integration engineer | ict systeem ingenieur | adviseur systeemintegratie | ict system integration consultant

IT-Consultant für Systemintegration | Consultant Systemintegration | IT-Consultant für Systemintegration

engineer systeemintegratie | software integration engineer | ict systeem ingenieur | integration engineer

Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration | Fachinformatikerin für Systemintegration | Fachinformatiker der Fachrichtung Systemintegration | Fachinformatiker der Fachrichtung Systemintegration/Fachinformatikerin der Fachrichtung Systemintegration

very large scale integrated circuit | VLSIC [Abbr.]

hochintegrierte Schaltungen | VLSIC [Abbr.]

Computer telephony integration | CTI | Integratie van telefonie en computertoepassingen

Computerunterstütztes Telefonieren | CTI

data warehouse (nom neutre)

Data Warehouse (nom neutre) | Datenlager (nom neutre) | Datenwarenhaus (nom neutre)

product data management (PDM) | productgegevensbeheer


semantisch web [ linked data | linked open data | LOD | web van data ]

Semantisches Web [ Linked Data | Linked Open Data | LOD | Web of Data ]
[3] Namelijk: het Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA), het Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observation System (SIOS) en de European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure (ECCSEL).

[3] Hierbei handelt es sich um folgende Konsortien: das „Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives“ (CESSDA), das „Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observation System“ (SIOS) und das „European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure“ (ECCSEL).
