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Continu werkende thermonucleaire reactor
Reactor met continue splijtstofwisseling
Reactor met discontinue splijtstofwisseling

Traduction de «Reactor met continue splijtstofwisseling » (Néerlandais → Allemand) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
reactor met continue splijtstofwisseling

Reaktor mit kontinuierlicher Reaktorladung

reactor met discontinue splijtstofwisseling

Reaktor mit diskontinuierlicher Reaktorladung

continu werkende thermonucleaire reactor

kontinuierlich arbeitender thermonuklearer Reaktor
Het eerste behelst de demonstratie van een innovatieve continue-reactortechnologie, gebaseerd op ART® (Advanced Reactor Technology), voor duurzame productieprocessen in de chemische sector.

Das erste dient der Demonstration einer innovativen Technologie mit kontinuierlich betriebenen chemischen Reaktoren auf der Grundlage einer neuartigen Technik (Advanced Reactor Technology, ART®) zur nachhaltigen Produktion im Chemiesektor.

Bijlage 1: Lijst van geselecteerde projecten Bijlage 2: Voorbeelden van CRAFT-projecten Annex 1 INDUSTRIAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES Brite-EuRam II 1990-1994 List of 23 CRAFT projects retained Nr of the proposal Title of the proposal, prime proposer and country CR-1197-91 The recycling of second-hand textile waste Prime proposer : TRICOOP SC (B) CR-1280-91 Automatic reuse of electronic components on printed circuit boards and separation of toxic components Prime proposer : Weld-Equip D.V (NL) CR-1283-91 Plasma coupling of microwave supplies in reactors for treatment of polymers and organic materials Prime proposer : Plassys (F) CR-1292-91 Non de ...[+++]

Anhang 1: Liste der ausgewählten Projekte Anhang 2: Beispiele von CRAFT-Projekten Anhang 2 Annex 1 INDUSTRIAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES Brite-EuRam II 1990-1994 List of 23 CRAFT projects retained Nr of the proposal Title of the proposal, prime proposer and country CR-1197-91 The recycling of second-hand textile waste Prime proposer : TRICOOP SC (B) CR-1280-91 Automatic reuse of electronic components on printed circuit boards and separation of toxic components Prime proposer : Weld-Equip D.V (NL) CR-1283-91 Plasma coupling of microwave supplies in reactors for treatment of polymers and organic materials Prime proposer : Plassys (F) CR-1292-91 Non de ...[+++]

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Date index: 2022-08-06