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Communications intelligence
Community-based toerisme
Documentation manager
Eerlijk toerisme
Humanitair toerisme
Ict documentation manager
It documentation manager
Powerline communication
Satellietdienst voor personal communication
Technical autor technical editor
Technical communication manager
Technical communicator
Technical writer
Technisch auteur

Vertaling van "Technical communicator " (Nederlands → Duits) :

technical autor technical editor | technical writer | technical communicator | technisch auteur

Technischer Redakteur | Technische Redakteurin | Technischer Redakteur/Technische Redakteurin

it documentation manager | technical communication manager | documentation manager | ict documentation manager

Dokumentationsmanagerin im Bereich IKT | IT-Dokumentationsmanager | Dokumentationsmanager | Dokumentationsmanager/Dokumentationsmanagerin

powerline-communicatie | powerline communication (PLC)


Naar de Personal Communications Omgeving: Groenboek inzake een gemeenschappelijke benadering op het gebied van mobiele en personal communications in de Europese Unie

Auf dem Weg zu Personal Communications: Grünbuch über ein gemeinsames Konzept für Mobilkommunikation und Personal Communications in der Europäischen Union

satellietdienst voor personal communication | S-PCS [Abbr.]

satellitengestützter persönlicher Kommunikationsdienst | S-PCS [Abbr.]

verzamelde data beoordelen om programma's voor community art te verbeteren | verzamelde gegevens beoordelen om programma's voor community art te verbeteren | verzamelde data beoordelen om programma's voor gemeenschapskunst te verbeteren | verzamelde gegevens beoordelen om programma's voor gemeenschapskunst te verbeteren

Daten zur Verbesserung von Community Art Programmen evaluieren

communicatie-inlichtingen | communications intelligence | Comint [Abbr.]

Erkenntnisse der Fernmeldeaufklärung | Fernmeldeaufklärung | COMINT [Abbr.]

eerlijk toerisme [ community-based toerisme | humanitair toerisme ]

fairer Tourismus [ alternativer Tourismus | ethischer Tourismus | humanitärer Tourismus | solidarischer Tourismus | verantwortlicher Tourismus | verantwortungsbewusster Tourismus ]
During the high level meeting in Bamako, "the Parties agreed to support the creation by le Mali of the Migration Information and Management Centre". The general objective is the definition and implementation by Mali of a migratory policy adapted to the regional and European policies and dynamics. The specific objective is the setting up of the Migration Information and Management Centre which will implement and coordinate the various elements of Mali's migration policy. The expected results are (i) definition and implementation of an information and communication strategy on the legal conditions for migration and the prevention of irregu ...[+++]

During the high level meeting in Bamako, "the Parties agreed to support the creation by le Mali of the Migration Information and Management Centre". The general objective is the definition and implementation by Mali of a migratory policy adapted to the regional and European policies and dynamics. The specific objective is the setting up of the Migration Information and Management Centre which will implement and coordinate the various elements of Mali's migration policy. The expected results are (i) definition and implementation of an information and communication strategy on the legal conditions for migration and the prevention of irregu ...[+++]

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'Technical communicator' ->

Date index: 2023-05-17