Bijlage 1: Lijst van geselecteerde projecten Bijlage 2: Voorbeelden van CRAFT-projecten Annex 1 INDUSTRIAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES Brite-EuRam II 1990-1994 List of 23 CRAFT projects retained Nr of the proposal Title of the proposal, prime proposer and country CR-1197-91 The recycling of second-hand textile waste Prime propos
er : TRICOOP SC (B) CR-1280-91 Automatic reuse of electronic components on printed circuit boards and separation of toxic components Prime proposer : Weld-Equip D.V (NL) CR-1283-91 Plasma coupling of microwave supplies in reactors for treatment of polymers and organic materials Prime proposer : Plassys (F) CR-1292-
...[+++]91 Non destructive testing and imaging of concrete Prime proposer : Pharma Test UK Ltd (UK) CR-1293-91 Development of a new heald-frame-system for high speed weaving machines Prime proposer : Schmeing GmbH Co (D) CR-1302-91 Microwave jigger providing dyeing and bleaching processes reducing time, energy and chemicals consumption Prime proposer : Lajtos S.A (F) CR-1304-91 Special reactive latent hardener for use in the wood-based panels industry Prime proposer : Marlit LTD (GR) CR-1306-91 Wood output optimization study of the sawing process using circular saws for curved wood along the EC Atlantic rim (curvsaw) Prime proposer : M.E.M (F) CR-1309-91 "A design support system for the design of plastic infection moulds" Prime proposer : Bogimac Engineering (B) CR-1323-91 Frylacop (Fry and Larvae Counting Program) Prime proposer : 3A (F) CR-1331-91 Paint manufacturing process optimization for the building industry, using bases and pigments formulation Prime proposer : Corob (I) CR-1350-91 Cutting tools performance improvement through application of ultrahard coatings in the field of furniture and building carpentry Prime proposer : Zubiola, S. Coop (B) CR-1375-91 Optimising the surface properties of footwear insocks Prime proposer : G.T. Hawkins Ltd (UK) CR-1381-91 Development of repair procedures and regulations for the repair of corroded ...Anhang 1: Liste der ausgewählten Projekte Anhang 2: Beispiele von CRAFT-Projekten Anhang 2 Annex 1 INDUSTRIAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES Brite-EuRam II 1990-1994 List of 23 CRAFT projects retained Nr of the proposal Title of the proposal, prime proposer and country CR-1197-91 The recycling of second-hand textile waste Prime propos
er : TRICOOP SC (B) CR-1280-91 Automatic reuse of electronic components on printed circuit boards and separation of toxic components Prime proposer : Weld-Equip D.V (NL) CR-1283-91 Plasma coupling of microwave supplies in reactors for treatment of polymers and organic materials Prime proposer : Plassys (F) CR-12
...[+++]92-91 Non destructive testing and imaging of concrete Prime proposer : Pharma Test UK Ltd (UK) CR-1293-91 Development of a new heald-frame-system for high speed weaving machines Prime proposer : Schmeing GmbH Co (D) CR-1302-91 Microwave jigger providing dyeing and bleaching processes reducing time, energy and chemicals consumption Prime proposer : Lajtos S.A (F) CR-1304-91 Special reactive latent hardener for use in the wood-based panels industry Prime proposer : Marlit LTD (GR) CR-1306-91 Wood output optimization study of the sawing process using circular saws for curved wood along the EC Atlantic rim (curvsaw) Prime proposer : M.E.M (F) CR-1309-91 "A design support system for the design of plastic infection moulds" Prime proposer : Bogimac Engineering (B) CR-1323-91 Frylacop (Fry and Larvae Counting Program) Prime proposer : 3A (F) CR-1331-91 Paint manufacturing process optimization for the building industry, using bases and pigments formulation Prime proposer : Corob (I) CR-1350-91 Cutting tools performance improvement through application of ultrahard coatings in the field of furniture and building carpentry Prime proposer : Zubiola, S. Coop (B) CR-1375-91 Optimising the surface properties of footwear insocks Prime proposer : G.T. Hawkins Ltd (UK) CR-1381-91 Development of repair procedures and regulations for the repair of corrod ...