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Vertaling van "member state benefit from directive " (Nederlands → Duits) :

[3] Zie: Universiteit Nijmegen, "The Procedures Directive: Central Themes, Problem Issues, and Implementation in Selected Member States", K. Zwaan (red.), maart 2008; UNHCR, "Improving Asylum Procedures.

[3] Siehe: Universität Nijmegen, „The Procedures Directive: Central Themes, Problem Issues, and Implementation in Selected Member States“, K. Zwaan (Hg.) März 2008; UNHCR, „Improving Asylum Procedures.

Bovendien moet worden opgemerkt dat in de volgende passage de ondubbelzinnige bevoegdheid van de regulator om zelfstandige en onmiddellijk bindende besluiten te nemen wordt beklemtoond : ' Under the second Electricity and Gas Directives, it was possible for the NRA to submit the tariff or the methodology for formal approval to the relevant body of the Member State and for the relevant body to approve or reject the draft NRA decision.

Außerdem ist anzumerken, dass im folgenden Absatz die eindeutige Zuständigkeit der Regulierungsbehörde für die Annahme von autonomen und unmittelbar bindenden Entscheidungen hervorgehoben wird: ' Under the second Electricity and Gas Directives, it was possible for the NRA to submit the tariff or the methodology for formal approval to the relevant body of the Member State and for the relevant body to approve or reject the draft NRA decision.

[9] ICF GHK Milieu: A fact finding analysis on the impact on the Member States’ social security systems of the entitlements of non-active intra-EU migrants to special non-contributory cash benefits and healthcare granted on the basis of residence, Hoofdstuk 4 en blz. 61, [http ...]

[9] ICF GHK Milieu: „A fact finding analysis on the impact on the Member States’ social security systems of the entitlements of non-active intra-EU migrants to special non-contributory cash benefits and healthcare granted on the basis of residence“, Kapitel 4 und S. 61, [http ...]

– gezien het werkdocument van de diensten van de Commissie getiteld "Follow-up on the implementation by the Member States of the 2008 European Commission recommendation on active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market - Towards a social investment approach" (SWD(2013)0039) van 20 februari 2013,

– unter Hinweis auf das Arbeitsdokument der Kommissionsdienststellen vom 20. Februar 2013 mit dem Titel „Follow‑up on the implementation by the Member States of the 2008 European Commission recommendation on active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market – Towards a social investment approach“ (Verfolgung der Umsetzung der Empfehlung der Kommission von 2008 durch die Mitgliedstaaten zur aktiven Integration von Menschen ...[+++]

[22] Een vergelijking van figuur A met figuur 2 in het werkdocument van de Commissie Accompanying document to the report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on implementation of Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources based on Member State reports for the period 2004 -2007 kan ...[+++]

[22] Der Vergleich des Schaubilds A mit dem Schaubild 2 des Arbeitspapiers der Kommissionsdienststellen zu dem Bericht der Kommission an den Rat und das Europäische Parlament zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie 91/676/EWG des Rates zum Schutz der Gewässer vor Verunreinigungen aus Nitrat aus landwirtschaftlichen Quellen auf der Grundlage der Berichte der Mitgliedstaaten für den Zeitraum 2004-2007 könnte durch die erheblichen Unterschiede zwischen der Anzahl der Überwachungsstationen beeinträchtigt sein (so z. B. bei Österreich, das im Zeitraum 2008-2011 Daten von allen Überwachungsstationen gemeldet, aber für den Zeitraum 2004-2007 nur aggregier ...[+++]

Beyond the admission schemes, third country nationals staying for longer periods in a Member State benefit from Directive 2003/109/EC , which places an obligation on Member States to grant long-term resident status to third country nationals who meet the conditions of sufficient resources and health insurance and who legally reside on their territory for at least five years.

Beyond the admission schemes, third country nationals staying for longer periods in a Member State benefit from Directive 2003/109/EC , which places an obligation on Member States to grant long-term resident status to third country nationals who meet the conditions of sufficient resources and health insurance and who legally reside on their territory for at least five years.

In the course of the negotiations, it was nevertheless decided by the Member States to exclude refugees from the scope of the Directive.

Im weiteren Verlauf der Verhandlungen beschlossen die Mitgliedstaaten jedoch, Flüchtlinge aus dem Anwendungsbereich der Richtlinie auszuschließen.

„„EN_name_value”= Supervision/Accreditation Status List of certification services from Certification Service Providers, which are supervised/accredited by the referenced Member State for compliance with the relevant provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC and its implementation in the referenced Member State’s laws.; ”

„ ‚EN_name_value‘= Supervision/Accreditation Status List of certification services from Certification Service Providers, which are supervised/accredited by the referenced Member State for compliance with the relevant provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC and its implementation in the referenced Member State’s laws.“

1) An incorrect title ha been erroneously indicated in the cover page of the abovementioned document having been officially transmitted on 23 May 2007, which read "Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on access to the market in the carriage of goods by road within the Community to or from the territory of a Member State or passing across the territory of one or more Member States"; in that document, the correct title was that appearing at the beginning of the text of the recast proposal and reading ...[+++]

1) An incorrect title ha been erroneously indicated in the cover page of the abovementioned document having been officially transmitted on 23 May 2007, which read "Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on access to the market in the carriage of goods by road within the Community to or from the territory of a Member State or passing across the territory of one or more Member States"; in that document, the correct title was that appearing at the beginning of the text of the recast proposal and reading ...[+++]

[28] Zie Juravle, C. et al (2013): "A Fact-Finding Analysis on the Impact on the Member States' Social Security Systems of the Entitlements of Non-Active Intra-EU Migrants to Special Non-Contributory Cash Benefits and Healthcare Granted on the Basis of Residence," Report by ICF GHK for DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion.

[28] Siehe Juravle, C. et al (2013): 'A Fact-Finding Analysis on the Impact on the Member States' Social Security Systems of the Entitlements of Non-Active Intra-EU Migrants to Special Non-Contributory Cash Benefits and Healthcare Granted on the Basis of Residence,' Bericht von ICF GHK für die GD Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration.

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Date index: 2023-11-11