Flash Eurobarometer 396 "Retailers' attitudes towards cross-border trade and consumer protection" (2015) Flas
h Eurobarometer 413 "Companies engaged in online activities" (2015), Q.11 Eurostat Survey on Internet purchases by individuals (2015), Flash Eurobarometer 397 — Business attitudes towards cross-border sales and consumer protecti
on, 2014. "Consumer surveys identifying the main cross-border obstacles to the Digital Single Market and where they matter most", GfK, 2015 "Economic Study on Consumer Digital Content Products", ICF Inte
...[+++]rnational, 2015 Flash Eurobarometer 411, "Cross-border access to online content" (2015) JRC Technical Report " The Macro-economic Impact of e-Commerce in the EU Digital Single Market", (2015)Flash Eurobarometer 396 „Retailers' attitudes towards cross-border trade and consumer protection“ (2015) Flas
h Eurobarometer 413 „Companies engaged in online activities“ (2015), Q. 11 Eurostat Survey on Internet purchases by individuals (2015) Flash Eurobarometer 397 „Consumer attitudes towards cross-border trade and consumer protectio
n“ (2014) „Consumer surveys identifying the main cross-border obstacles to the Digital Single Market and where they matter most“, GfK (2015) „Economic Study on Consumer Digital Content Products“, ICF Int
...[+++]ernational (2015) Flash Eurobarometer 411 „Cross-border access to online content“ (2015) Technischer Bericht der GFS „The Macro-economic Impact of e-Commerce in the EU Digital Single Market“ (2015)