[5] Cf. b.v. onder andere Aanbeveling nr. R(99) 12 van het Comité van Ministers van de Raad van Europa over de terugkeer van afgewezen asielzoekers; IOM, The return and reintegration of rejected asylum seekers and irregular migrants, Genève, mei 2001; UNHCR, Legal and practical aspects of the return of persons not in ne
ed of international protection, Genève, mei 2001; ICMPD, Study on comprehensive EU return policies and practices for disp
laced persons under temporary protection, other p ...[+++]ersons whose international protection has ended and rejected asylum seekers, Wenen, januari 2002; IGC, Modular Structures on Return (niet gepubliceerd); Nascimbene (ed.), Expulsion and detention of aliens in the European Union countries, Milaan, 2001.
[5] Siehe unter anderem Empfehlung Nr. R(99) 12 des Ministerkomitees des Europarats zur Rückkehr abgelehnter Asylbewerber; IOM, The return and reintegration of rejected asylum seekers and irregular migrants, Genf, Mai 2001; UNHCR, Legal and practical aspects of the return of persons not in ne
ed of international protection, Genf, Mai 2001; ICMPD, Study on comprehensive EU return policies and practices for disp
laced persons under temporary protection, other persons whose
...[+++]international protection has ended and rejected asylum seekers, Wien, Januar 2002; IGC, Modular Structures on Return (nicht veröffentlicht); Nascimbene (Hrsg.), Expulsion and detention of aliens in the European Union countries, Mailand, 2001.