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Cross-country fouten
Lower Middle-Income Country
Meervoudige fouten
Prijzigst Top-of-the-range gamma-bovenkant
Upper Middle-Income Country

Traduction de «the country » (Néerlandais → Allemand) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
hogermiddeninkomensland | Upper Middle-Income Country

Länder mit mittlerem Einkommen, obere Einkommenskategorie | UMIC [Abbr.]

lagermiddeninkomensland | Lower Middle-Income Country

Länder mit mittlerem Einkommen, untere Einkommenskategorie | LMIC [Abbr.]

cross-country fouten | meervoudige fouten


below-the-linemethode | BLT-methode

Below-the-Line-Technik | Nicht klassische Werbung

Prijzigst Top-of-the-range gamma-bovenkant

The Commission will present to the Parliament the relevant available documents on programming with indicative allocations foreseen per country/region, and, within a country/region, priorities, possible results and indicative allocations foreseen per priority for geographic programmes, as well as the choice of assistance modalities .

The Commission will present to the Parliament the relevant available documents on programming with indicative allocations foreseen per country/region, and, within a country/region, priorities, possible results and indicative allocations foreseen per priority for geographic programmes, as well as the choice of assistance modalities .

From 2004-2008, she was Slovenian ambassador to the Netherlands, and has been her country's representative on the European Small Business Council and a member of International Small Business Council.

From 2004-2008, she was Slovenian ambassador to the Netherlands, and has been her country's representative on the European Small Business Council and a member of International Small Business Council.

By virtue of the remits set out in its rules of procedure, FRONTEX is responsible for carrying out risk analysis based on the information gathered by the competent authorities in the Member States, for facilitating operational cooperation between the Member States and third countries, and for cooperating with the competent authorities of third countries and with international organisations through, for example, exchanges of experience on border control issues, the training of border guards, operational information exchanges and joint operations.

Gemäß den Zuständigkeiten, die in der FRONTEX-Verordnung festgelegt sind, führt die Agentur Risikoanalysen auf der Grundlage der von den zuständigen Behörden der Mitgliedstaaten zusammengetragenen Informationen durch, erleichtert die operative Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten und Drittstaaten und arbeitet auch mit den zuständigen Behörden von Drittstaaten oder mit internationalen Organisationen zusammen, beispielsweise durch den Austausch von Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der Grenzkontrolle, die Schulung von Grenzschutzbediensteten, den Austausch operativer Informationen und gemeinsame Operationen.

The European Union thus engaged in an enlarged neighbourhood policy extending as far as the countries of the South Caucasus region and aimed at deepening its relations with the countries located at the EU's external borders, promoting their security, stability and development and preventing new divisions on the European continent.

So betreibt die Europäische Union eine erweiterte Nachbarschaftspolitik, welche die Länder bis hin zum Südkaukasus umfasst und das Ziel verfolgt, die Beziehungen der Europäischen Union zu den Ländern an den Außengrenzen der Union zu vertiefen, deren Sicherheit, Entwicklung und Stabilität zu fördern und zu vermeiden, dass sich neue Gräben auf dem europäischen Kontinent auftun.

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(expressed as % of prices in euro before tax, comparing the most expensive country -on the left - with the cheapest country – right - in the euro zone market on 1 January 2010).

(In % von Preisen in EUR vor Steuern, wobei die teuersten – Mitgliedstaat links – mit den billigsten – rechts – verglichen werden in der Eurozone am 1. Januar 2010).

Given that the country has taken effective action but the deficit outcome was affected strongly by an unexpected adverse economic event, the revised Pact provides for the possibility to issue a revised recommendation, which can extend the deadline for the correction.

Da das Land wirksame Maßnahmen ergriffen hat, das Defizitergebnis aber stark unter unerwarteten wirtschaftlichen Rückschlägen gelitten hat, sieht der überarbeitete Pakt die Möglichkeit vor, eine geänderte Empfehlung zu veröffentlichen, in der die Frist für die Defizitkorrektur verlängert werden kann.

Moreover, the country will be requested to spell out and adopt in a timely manner additional consolidation measures which will be necessary to achieve the correction of the excessive deficit by 2011.

Der Schwerpunkt sollte dabei stärker auf strukturelle Maßnahmen verlegt werden. Zudem wird Ungarn ersucht, zusätzliche Konsolidierungsmaßnahmen, die erforderlich sind, um die Korrektur des übermäßigen Defizits bis 2011 zu erreichen, rechtzeitig auszuarbeiten und zu verabschieden.

The note summarises the status of negotiations after the Bali meeting (COP 13/CMP 3) of December 2007, and presents the issues at stake for building the elements of a future climate agreement: on mitigation the specification of "measurable, reportable and verifiable nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions" for developed countries (most likely continuing the emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol); . on adaption, the difficult issue is to define exactly which adaptation activities should be supported by the international system and how developing countries would be able to apply for support; on technology, a ...[+++]

The note summarises the status of negotiations after the Bali meeting (COP 13/CMP 3) of December 2007, and presents the issues at stake for building the elements of a future climate agreement: on mitigation the specification of “measurable, reportable and verifiable nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions” for developed countries (most likely continuing the emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol); . on adaption, the difficult issue is to define exactly which adaptation activities should be supported by the international system and how developing countries would be able to apply for support; on technology, a ...[+++]

Dit Verdrag definieert een vluchteling als: ‘owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reason of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country’.

Ein Flüchtling im Sinne dieses Abkommens ist jede Person, „die sich . aus begründeter Furcht vor Verfolgung wegen ihrer Rasse, Religion, Staatszugehörigkeit, Zugehörigkeit zu einer bestimmten sozialen Gruppe oder wegen ihrer politischen Überzeugung außerhalb ihres Heimatlandes befindet und dessen Schutz nicht beanspruchen kann oder wegen dieser Befürchtung nicht beanspruchen will”.

Bijlage 1: Lijst van geselecteerde projecten Bijlage 2: Voorbeelden van CRAFT-projecten Annex 1 INDUSTRIAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES Brite-EuRam II 1990-1994 List of 23 CRAFT projects retained Nr of the proposal Title of the proposal, prime proposer and country CR-1197-91 The recycling of second-hand textile waste Prime proposer : TRICOOP SC (B) CR-1280-91 Automatic reuse of electronic components on printed circuit boards and separation of toxic components Prime proposer : Weld-Equip D.V (NL) CR-1283-91 Plasma coupling of microwave supplies in reactors for treatment of polymers and organic materials Prime proposer : Plassys (F) CR-1292- ...[+++]

Anhang 1: Liste der ausgewählten Projekte Anhang 2: Beispiele von CRAFT-Projekten Anhang 2 Annex 1 INDUSTRIAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES Brite-EuRam II 1990-1994 List of 23 CRAFT projects retained Nr of the proposal Title of the proposal, prime proposer and country CR-1197-91 The recycling of second-hand textile waste Prime proposer : TRICOOP SC (B) CR-1280-91 Automatic reuse of electronic components on printed circuit boards and separation of toxic components Prime proposer : Weld-Equip D.V (NL) CR-1283-91 Plasma coupling of microwave supplies in reactors for treatment of polymers and organic materials Prime proposer : Plassys (F) CR-12 ...[+++]

datacenter (28): (

'the country' ->

Date index: 2021-04-06