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Afgeleid otc-instrument
Afgeleid over-the-counter instrument
Northern Ireland)
Over-the-counter derivaat
Prijzigst Top-of-the-range gamma-bovenkant
The doctrine of forum conveniens
The doctrine of forum non conveniens

Traduction de «the proposal » (Néerlandais → Allemand) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Staatssecretaris van Overheidsdienst en Wetenschappen (Office of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster)

Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär, Office of Public Service and Science (Büro des Kanzlers des Herzogtums Lancaster)

Northern Ireland) | the doctrine of forum conveniens(England and Wales | the doctrine of forum non conveniens(Scotland)

Northern Ireland) | the doctrine of forum conveniens(England and Wales | the doctrine of forum non conveniens(Scotland)

afgeleid otc-instrument | afgeleid over-the-counter instrument | otc-derivaat | over-the-counter derivaat

abgeleitetes Instrument des Freiverkehrs | außerbörslich gehandeltes Derivat | Freiverkehrsderivat | nicht börsengehandeltes Derivat | OTC-Derivat

below-the-linemethode | BLT-methode

Below-the-Line-Technik | Nicht klassische Werbung

Prijzigst Top-of-the-range gamma-bovenkant

Derde aanbeveling over de door Griekenland te nemen dringende maatregelen in het licht van de hervatting van overdrachten uit hoofde van de Dublinverordening [http ...]

Dritte Empfehlung zu den Sofortmaßnahmen, die von Griechenland im Hinblick auf die Wiederaufnahme der Überstellungen nach der Dublin-Verordnung zu treffen sind

Het college heeft vandaag een Communication goedgekeurd waarin zij opnieuw haar proposal for a revision of the Posting of Workers Directive evalueert met betrekking tot het subsidiariteitscontrolemechanisme dat verschillende nationale parlementen in mei hebben ingeleid.

Das Kollegium hat heute eine Mitteilung angenommen, in der es seinen Vorschlag für eine Überarbeitung der Richtlinie über die Entsendung von Arbeitnehmern im Rahmen des Subsidiaritätskontrollmechanismus überprüft hat, den mehrere nationale Parlamente im Mai ausgelöst hatten.

I strongly support the EP proposal that penalties for traffickers need to be increased to the level of the 2009 proposal, the confiscation of assets should be applied, and assistance to victims, and in particular to child victims, should be further developed.

Ich unterstütze den Vorschlag des Europäischen Parlaments voll und ganz, die Strafen für Händler müssen auf die Ebene des Vorschlags aus dem Jahr 2009 erhöht, die Einziehung von Vermögenswerten durchgesetzt und die Unterstützung für Opfer, insbesondere im Kindesalter, muss ausgebaut werden.

1) An incorrect title ha been erroneously indicated in the cover page of the abovementioned document having been officially transmitted on 23 May 2007, which read "Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on access to the market in the carriage of goods by road within the Community to or from the territory of a Member State or passing across the territory of one or more Member States"; in that document, the correct title was that appearing at the beginning of the text of the recast proposal and reading "Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules for access to th ...[+++]

1) An incorrect title ha been erroneously indicated in the cover page of the abovementioned document having been officially transmitted on 23 May 2007, which read "Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on access to the market in the carriage of goods by road within the Community to or from the territory of a Member State or passing across the territory of one or more Member States"; in that document, the correct title was that appearing at the beginning of the text of the recast proposal and reading "Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules for access to th ...[+++]

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However, pursuant to Rules 80a(2) and 80(3), the Committee on Legal Affairs considered that the technical adaptations suggested in the opinion of the abovementioned Working Party were necessary in order to ensure that the proposal complied with the codification rules and that they did not involve any substantive change to the proposal.

However, pursuant to Rules 80a(2) and 80(3), the Committee on Legal Affairs considered that the technical adaptations suggested in the opinion of the abovementioned Working Party were necessary in order to ensure that the proposal complied with the codification rules and that they did not involve any substantive change to the proposal.

6. On space science and technology , ESA will prepare funding proposals in support of the Cosmic Vision Programme by 2008 and propose new technology RD activities, in coordination with the EC through FP7, including to reduce dependence on critical technologies from non-European suppliers.

(6) Auf dem Feld der Extraterrestrik wird die ESA bis 2008 Finanzierungsvorschläge zur Unterstützung des Programms „Kosmische Vision“ unterbreiten und in Absprache mit der Europäischen Kommission im Rahmen des 7. RP FuE-Vorhaben auf dem Gebiet der neuen Technologien vorschlagen; dabei geht es auch um die Verringerung der Abhängigkeit von strategisch wichtigen Technologien nichteuropäischer Anbieter.

1. During 2007, the Commission will draw up an action plan on the basis of the public response to its Green Paper on GALILEO applications; and will also propose the appropriate legal and managerial framework to address the requirements of international partners, while safeguarding European interests.

(1) Im Laufe des Jahres 2007 wird die Kommission einen Aktionsplan entwerfen und dabei den Reaktionen der Öffentlichkeit auf ihr Grünbuch über die GALILEO-Anwendungen Rechnung tragen. Ferner wird sie einen angemessenen Rechts- und Verwaltungsrahmen vorschlagen, um dem Bedarf internationaler Partner zu entsprechen und zugleich die europäischen Interessen zu wahren.

This proposed amendment would clarify the definition of “money laundering” contained in Article 1 of the Proposed Directive, which has been carried forward from the Second Directive and includes the acquisition, possession or use of property derivied from criminal activity.

This proposed amendment would clarify the definition of ‘money laundering’ contained in Article 1 of the proposed directive, which has been carried forward from the Second Directive and includes the acquisition, possession or use of property derivied from criminal activity.

The proposed increase of the bureau by 4 members is, in view of the proposed changes in the decision-making procedure, more adequate to reflect the views of the Board groups and has still a size that contributes to an efficient decision making.

Angesichts der vorgeschlagenen Änderungen des Entscheidungsprozesses empfiehlt es sich, den Vorstand um vier Mitglieder zu erweitern, so dass er die Meinungen der einzelnen Gruppen im Verwaltungsrat angemessener widerspiegelt und zugleich von seiner Größe und Zusammensetzung her eine effiziente Entscheidungsfindung ermöglicht.

* The regulatory framework regarding railways is fully implemented, and that uncertainty is lifted concerning the Regulation on public service agreements (the contractor assumed the amended proposal from February 2002 to be adopted for the purpose of its modelling exercise);

* The regulatory framework regarding railways is fully implemented, and that uncertainty is lifted concerning the Regulation on public service agreements (the contractor assumed the amended proposal from February 2002 to be adopted for the purpose of its modelling exercise);

datacenter (28): (

'the proposal' ->

Date index: 2021-08-29