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Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Adult T-cel leukemie
Adult degree
Adult respiratory distress syndrome
Adult-onset Still's disease
Adulte neuronale ceroïdlipofuscinose
Juveniele of adult type myasthenia gravis
Niet-insulineafhankelijke diabetes op jonge leeftijd

Traduction de «Adult » (Néerlandais → Anglais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
adult T-cel leukemie | ATL [Abbr.]

adult T-cell leukemia | ATL [Abbr.]

Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome | ARDS [Abbr.]

acute respiratory distress syndrome | adult respiratory distress syndrome | ARDS [Abbr.]

adult-onset Still's disease

Adult-onset Still's disease

adult respiratory distress syndrome

Adult respiratory distress syndrome

myasthenia gravis, adult type

Myasthenia gravis, adult form

juveniele of adult type myasthenia gravis

Juvenile or adult myasthenia gravis

diabetes (mellitus)(met of zonder obesitas) | adult-onset | diabetes (mellitus)(met of zonder obesitas) | maturity-onset | diabetes (mellitus)(met of zonder obesitas) | NIDDM | diabetes (mellitus)(met of zonder obesitas) | niet-ketotisch | diabetes (mellitus)(met of zonder obesitas) | stabiel | niet-insulineafhankelijke diabetes op jonge leeftijd

diabetes (mellitus)(nonobese)(obese):adult-onset | maturity-onset | nonketotic | stable | type II | non-insulin-dependent diabetes of the young
Zie met name de „Survey of Adult Skills” (Enquête betreffende de vaardigheden onder volwassenen) van de OESO, die afgenomen werd in het kader van het programma voor de internationale beoordeling van competenties van volwassenen (PIAAC).

See in particular the OECD's Survey of Adult Skills, conducted under the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC).

Om ervoor te zorgen dat ruime kennisgemeenschappen ("communities of practice") zich professioneel kunnen ontwikkelen met behulp van onlineleermiddelen en door te leren van collega's ("peer learning"), zal de Commissie nagaan hoe zij de bestaande netwerken nuttig kan gebruiken en nieuwe netwerken tot stand kan brengen, waaronder het nieuwe EPALE (elektronisch platform voor volwassenenonderwijs in Europa; Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe).

In order to ensure that large communities of practice benefit from professional development through online resources and peer learning, the Commission will explore ways to leverage the existing networks and create new ones including the future EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe).

[11] In oktober 2013 publiceerden de OESO en de Commissie de resultaten van een nieuwe Survey on Adult Skills (PIAAC), European Commission, OECD.

[11] In October 2013, the OECD and Commission released the outcome of a new "Survey on Adult Skills (PIAAC)", European Commission, OECD.

[4] OESO Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. [http ...]

[4] OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. [http ...]

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De OESO heeft nu ook een nieuw programma voor de internationale evaluatie van de competenties van volwassenen (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competences - PIAAC).

The OECD has launched a new Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competences (PIAAC).

Zie: "Adult and continuing education in Europe.

Cf: “Adult and continuing education in Europe.

Zie de parallelstudie over kwaliteit in de volwasseneneducatie: [http ...]

Cf. the parallel study on quality in adult learning, [http ...]

Zie de parallelstudie over kwaliteit in de volwasseneneducatie: [http ...]

Cf. the parallel study on quality in adult learning, [http ...]

The European fund industry currently manages some € 4.7 trillion of assets on behalf of a growing segment of the European population-in some Member States, over 20% of the adult population hold UCITS[44].

The European fund industry currently manages some € 4.7 trillion of assets on behalf of a growing segment of the European population - in some Member States, over 20% of the adult population hold UCITS[44].

Een aantal belangrijke nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het gebied van levenslang leren wordt niet vermeld, bijvoorbeeld de nieuwe Adult Basic Skills Strategy Unit, die de regering heeft ingevoerd na het verslag-Moser.

There is no mention of some important new developments under lifelong learning, for example the new Adult Basic Skills Strategy Unit introduced as part of the Government's response to the Moser report.

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'Adult' ->

Date index: 2023-08-25