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Acute basofilaire-leukemie
Agressieve NK-celleukemie
Agressieve belastingplanning
Agressieve fibromatose
Agressieve fibromatose van mamma
Agressieve fiscale planning
Agressieve handelspraktijk
Agressieve systemische mastocytose
Agressieve systemische-mastocytose
Agressieve verkoop
Decontaminatie met agressieve chemicaliën

Vertaling van "Agressieve fibromatose " (Nederlands → Engels) :

agressieve fibromatose van mamma

Fibromatosis of breast

agressieve fibromatose

Desmoid tumour can occur in any part of the body: extra-abdominally (neck, shoulders, upper limbs, gluteal region), abdominally (originating from muscle fascia or the abdominal/chest wall), and more rarely intra-abdominally in the mesentery or retrop

agressieve belastingplanning | agressieve fiscale planning

aggressive tax planning | ATP [Abbr.]

Omschrijving: Dit wordt gekenmerkt door de combinatie van aanhoudend dissociaal- of agressief-gedrag (volgens de algemene criteria uit F91.- en niet louter bestaand uit opstandig, uitdagend en storend gedrag) met een in alle opzichten belangrijke stoornis in de omgang met andere kinderen. | Neventerm: | agressieve stoornis, niet in groepsverband | gedragsstoornis, solitaire agressieve vorm

Definition: Disorder characterized by the combination of persistent dissocial or aggressive behaviour (meeting the overall criteria for F91.- and not merely comprising oppositional, defiant, disruptive behaviour) with significant pervasive abnormalities in the individual's relationships with other children. | Conduct disorder, solitary aggressive type Unsocialized aggressive disorder

decontaminatie met agressieve chemicaliën

hard chemical decontamination

agressieve handelspraktijk

aggressive commercial practice

agressieve systemische-mastocytose | mestcelsarcoom

Malignant:mastocytoma | mastocytosis | Mast cell sarcoma

agressieve systemische mastocytose

A severe and rare form of systemic mastocytosis with manifestation of considerable infiltration of mast cells in different tissues. It represents less than 10% of cases of systemic mastocytosis. This disease doesn't usually develop in children. Cutan

agressieve NK-celleukemie | acute basofilaire-leukemie

Lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia
