DE GESPREKSPARTNERS - Het Europees Bureau voor Milieuzaken (EBM): de heer MONTANANI, voorzitter - Het Wereldnatuurfonds (WNF): mevrouw Victoria GONZALES - Green Peace Europa: mevrouw Gudrun LAMMERS - European Coordination Friends of the Earth: de heer Joachim SPANGENBERG HET GESPREK Tijdens deze ontmoeting hebben de NGO's vier gespreksthema's aan de orde gesteld: het buitenlands beleid en de relaties met het milieu, het Witboek, de rechten van de burgers en de uitbreiding.
- Consultations on environmental liability, following the publication of a Green Paper on the subject. - The Consultative Forum on the Environment, which held its first meeting at the beginning of January. Increased collaboration is essential now that shifts in European environment policy are becoming apparent with the implementation of the White Paper on competitiveness and employment, the Fifth Environment Programme and the Maastricht Treaty, and the launching of the European Environment Agency. Represented at the meeting - Eur
opean Environmental Bureau (EEB), Chairman M. Montanani - World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Mrs Victoria Gonza
...[+++]les - Green Peace Europe, Mrs Gudrun Lammers - European Coordination of the Friends of the Earth, Mr Joachim Spangenberg The meeting Four areas were tackled by the NGOs during the meeting: external policy and the environment, the White Paper, citizens' rights and enlargement.