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Acute virale encefalitis
Chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom
Chronische toxische encefalitis
Chronische virale encefalitis
Door muggen overgebrachte virale encefalitis
Door teken overgebrachte virale encefalitis
Encefalopathie bij schilders
Myalgische encefalitis
Myalgische encefalomyelitis
Virale encefalitis

Traduction de «Chronische virale encefalitis » (Néerlandais → Anglais) :

chronische virale encefalitis

Chronic viral encephalitis

chronische toxische encefalitis | encefalopathie bij schilders

chronic toxic encephalopathy | painter's syndrome | solvent syndrome | CTE [Abbr.]

overige gespecificeerde door muggen overgebrachte virale encefalitis

Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis

door teken overgebrachte virale encefalitis

Tick-borne viral encephalitis

door muggen overgebrachte virale encefalitis

Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis

chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom | chronischevermoeidheidssyndroom | moeheidssyndroom | myalgische encefalitis | myalgische encefalomyelitis | CVS [Abbr.]

chronic Epstein-Barr virus | chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | ME | myalgic encephalomyelitis | postviral fatigue syndrome | yuppie flu | CEBV [Abbr.] | CFIDS [Abbr.] | CFS [Abbr.] | PVFS [Abbr.]

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Date index: 2023-10-23