De economische situatie: hoewel de resultaten een overwegend negatief beeld van de situatie op EU-niveau tonen (71% van de respondenten beschouwen deze als "slecht"), loopt de verdeling ervan tussen de lidstaten en, in sommige gevallen, zelfs tussen regio's, sterk uiteen Zo vindt 99% van de respondenten in de regio Drenthe (Nederland) dat de economische situatie in de regio "goed" is, wat in schril contrast staat met de 4% in sommige Portugese regio's.
With regards to the economic situation, although the results show a predominantly negative view of the situation at EU level (71% of the respondents considering it as "bad"), their distribution among the Member States and, in some cases even more so between regions, are very diverse For example 99% of respondents from the Drenthe region in the Netherlands view the region's economic situation as being "good", in stark contrast to 4% in some Portuguese regions.