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European Telecommunications Standards Institute
European Train Control System
European Union
Europees Instituut voor telecommunicatienormen
Europees treinbesturingssysteem ETCS
Great Repeal Bill
International Union of Forest Research Organisations
International Union of Forest Research Organizations

Vertaling van "European Union " (Nederlands → Engels) :

European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 | wet van 2017 betreffende de Europese Unie (kennisgeving van uittreding)

European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017

European Union (Withdrawal) Bill | Great Repeal Bill

European Union (Withdrawal) Bill | Great Repeal Bill | Repeal Bill

beoordelen met 'European Union Scale for Peak Expiratory Flow Rate' voor kinderen

Assessment using European Union Scale for Peak Expiratory Flow Rate for children

beoordelen met 'European Union Scale for Peak Expiratory Flow Rate' voor volwassenen

Assessment using European Union Scale for Peak Expiratory Flow Rate for adults

Advanced Life Support-protocol volgens de European Resuscitation Council

European Resuscitation Council advanced life support protocol

International Union of Forest Research Organisations | International Union of Forest Research Organizations

International Union of Forest Research Organizations

ETCS | European Train Control System | Europees treinbesturingssysteem ETCS

ETCS | train protection system | European Train Control System | positive train control

ETSI [ European Telecommunications Standards Institute | Europees Instituut voor telecommunicatienormen | Europees normalisatie-instituut voor de telecommunicatie ]

ETSI [ European Telecommunications Standards Institute ]
European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC): Satellietcentrum van de Europese Unie in Torrejón de Ardoz in Spanje dat de rechtstreekse opvolger is van het Satellietcentrum van de West-Europese Unie (Western European Union Satellite Centre).

European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC): Located in Torrejón de Ardoz in Spain, it is the direct successor of the Western European Union Satellite Centre.

[30] Bureau voor de grondrechten: European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey, Main Results Report , 2009.

[30] Fundamental Rights Agency, European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey, Main Results Report, 2009.

Deze overeenkomst heeft ook betrekking op de standaardisering van de namen van de EU-agentschappen, waardoor de naam van het EASA wordt gewijzigd in "Luchtvaartagentschap van de Europese Unie" (European Union Agency for Aviation, EAA).

The latter agreement includes also standardisation of the names of EU Agencies, so that the name of EASA shall be modified to "European Union Agency for Aviation (EAA).

[25] Bureau voor de grondrechten: European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey, Main Results Report , 2009.

[25] Fundamental Rights Agency, European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey, Main Results Report, 2009.

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[42] PRAG 2014: Procurement and Grants for European Union external actions. Zie hoofdstukken 2.3.3., 2.3.4. en 2.4.14, alsmede bijlage e3h2; [http ...]

[42] PRAG 2014: Procurement and Grants for European Union external actions. see chapters 2.3.3; 2.3.4; 2.4.14; and annex e3h2; [http ...]

European Generic Medicines Association (2009), How to increase patient access to generic medicines in the European Union;

European Generic Medicines Association (2009) How to increase patient access to generic medicines in the European Union;

Musici van het European Opera Centre en het European Union Youth Orchestra zullen het evenement afsluiten met een uitvoering van de enige opera van Franz Liszt, Don Sanche.

Musicians from the European Opera Centre and the European Union Youth Orchestra will close the event with a rare performance of Franz Liszt's only opera, Don Sanche.

Ten tweede financiert de Europese Commissie de bedrijfskosten van het European Union Observer Centre dat is opgericht uit hoofde van een "Gemeenschappelijke Actie" van de Europese Unie die door de Ministerraad tijdens zijn vergadering van 9 november is overeengekomen.

Secondly, the European Commission is funding the operational costs of the European Union Observer Centre which has been set up under a European Union "Joint Action" agreed by the Council of Ministers at their meeting on 9 November.

Voor nadere bijzonderheden, zie factsheet European Union and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

For more details, see factsheet European Union and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

EUROBAROMETRE STANDARD 41 - SPECIFICATIONS TECHNIQUES STANDARD EUROBAROMETER 41 interviewed citizens, aged 15 years and over, in each of the Member States of the European Union.

STANDARD EUROBAROMETER 41 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD EUROBAROMETER 41 interviewed citizens, aged 15 years and over, in each of the Member States of the European Union.

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'European Union ' ->

Date index: 2021-08-11