G. overwegende dat de Europese Unie in nauwe samenwerking met de lidstaten maatregelen kan nemen ter voorkoming van aan alcohol gerelateerde schade die zowel de drinkers als derden treft, waaronder schadelijke effecten op de gezondheid, zoals FASD (Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders), leveraandoeningen, kanker, verhoogde bloeddruk, hartaanvallen en verkeers- en bedrijfsongevallen, maar ook sociale schade, zoals geweld binnen de relatie of het gezin, kinderverwaarlozing, werkloosheid, armoede, maatschappelijk stigma en sociale uitsluiting,
G. whereas it is desirable that the European Union formulates general objectives for curbing the harmful effects of hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in the Member States and is able to undertake measures in close cooperation with Member States in order to prevent alcohol-related
harm affecting both drinkers and third parties, which includes harmful effects on health, such as foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), hepatic diseases, cancer, increased blood pressure and heart attacks, and traffic accidents and accidents in the workplace, but also social harm, such as domestic and family violence
...[+++], child neglect, unemployment, poverty, social stigma and social exclusion,