Dit centrale idee wordt door de Europese Commissie zelf in haar voorstel benadrukt: In de woorden van de Commissie: “Directive 96/26/EC on admission to the
occupation of road transport operator, the four Regulations on access to the road transport market, together with the deregulation of international transport prices which took place a few years earlier, shaped the internal market in road transport” (Richtlijn 96/26/EC inzake toelating tot het beroep van wegvervoersondernemer en de vier Verordeningen inzake toegang tot de markt voor wegtransport hebben, samen met de deregulering van de prijzen van het internationale transport die enige
...[+++] jaren eerder plaatsvond, het gezicht van de interne markt voor wegtransport bepaald).
As a matter of fact, this central idea is highlighted by the European Commission itself in its proposal: ‘Directive 96/26/EC on admission to the occupation of road transport operator, the four Regulations on access to the road transport market, together with the deregulation of international transport prices which took place a few years earlier, shaped the internal market in road transport’.