Volgens de webpagina van 24 juli 2008 van het "Khiam Rehabilitation Center" (KRC), de massaorganisatie van de Hezbollah, hebben het Follow-upcomité voor steunverlening aan Libanese gevangenen en het KCR - die blijkbaar hetzelfde adres hebben - bezoek gekregen van de "zoon en held" van Libanon Samir Al-Kantar, terwijl onderaan de pagina het logo van de Europese Unie staat met het bijschrift "Within the Framework of the European Initiative for Democracy Human Rights (EIDHR) - Project Funded by the European Union - Implemented by KRC".
It is stated on the first page of the 24 July 2008 edition of the website of the Khiam Rehabilitation Centre (KRC), a popular organisation run by Hezbollah, that the person described days before as the 'son and hero' of Lebanon, Samir Al-Kantar, has visited the 'Followup Committee for the Support of the Lebanese Detainees' and the KRC (apparently the two organisations share the same premises). Below this news appears the logo of the European Union, with the words: 'Within the Framework of the European Initiative for Democracy Human Rights (EIDHR) Project - Funded by the European Union - Implemented by KRC'.