Europese bedrijven die exporteren naar de VS worden geconfronteerd met een aantal juridische en regelgevingsbarrières, een gebrek aan internationaal overeengekomen regels en handhavingsmechanismen, technische barrières, restrictief importbeleid (GGO's), discriminerend aankoopbeleid (b.v". Buy American"), unilateralisme en extraterritoriale bepalingen (zoals de Helms-Burton-Act, ILSA), exportkredieten, discriminerende belastingheffing, verschillen in normen, controles en certificering in beide handelsblokken.
EU companies exporting to the US are confronted with a number of barriers in the legal and regulatory system, the lack of internationally agreed rules and enforcement mechanisms, technical barriers, restrictive import policies (GMOs), discriminatory procurement policies (e.g". Buy American"), unilateralism and extraterritoriality provisions (such as Helms-Burton-Act, ILSA), external export credits, discriminatory tax policies as well as different standards, testing and certification procedures in the two blocks.