1. De kredietinstellingen, alsmede alle andere instellingen die beroepshalve deelnemen aan de verwerking en verstrekking aan het publiek van bankbiljetten en munten, met inbegrip van de instellingen waarvan de activiteit bestaat in het wisselen van bankbiljetten of munten van verschillende valuta's, zoals wisselkantoren, hebben de verplichting om alle ontvangen eurobankbiljetten en -munten op echtheid te controleren voordat deze opnieuw in omloop worden gebracht.
1. Credit institutions, and any other institutions engaged in the sorting and distribution to the public of notes and coins as a professional activity, including establishments whose activity consists in exchanging notes and coins of different currencies, such as bureaux de change, shall be obliged to ensure that euro notes and coins which they have received and which they intend to put back into circulation are checked for authenticity and counterfeits are detected.