– De gegevens uit de mededeling van de Commissie van 22 oktober 2009 over de grensoverschrijdende elektronische handel tussen ondernemingen en consumenten in de EU (COM(2009)0557) hebben volgens daarin vervatte informatie de volgende achtergrond: testkopers in alle lidstaten kregen de opdracht 100 populaire producten op internet te zoeken en het totaalbedrag te noteren, inclusief alle (verzend)kosten.
– The evidence used from the Communication from the Commission of 22 October 2009 on Cross-Border Business to Consumer e-Commerce in the EU (COM(2009)0557) has, according to the information contained in that communication, the following background: testers located in all the Member States were instructed to search for a list of 100 popular products on the internet and to record the total price, all delivery charges and costs included.