45.7.1. De fabrikant van het voertuig gebruikt diagnose- en testapparatuur overeenkomstig ISO 22900-2:2009 (Road vehicles -- Modular vehicle communication interface (MVCI) -- Part 2: Diagnostic protocol data unit application programming interface (D-PDU API)) en ISO 22901-2:2011 (Road vehicles -- Open diagnostic data exchange (ODX) -- Part 2: Emissions-related diagnostic data) in zijn franchisenetwerken: ja/neen/niet van toepassing (4) (indien niet van toepassing, specificeer waarom: .)
45.7.1. The vehicle manufacturer uses diagnostic and test tools in accordance with ISO 22900-2:2009 (Road vehicles — Modular vehicle communication interface (MVCI) — Part 2: Diagnostic protocol data unit application programming interface (D-PDU API)) and ISO 22901-2:2011 (Road vehicles — Open diagnostic data exchange (ODX) — Part 2: Emissions-related diagnostic data) in their franchised networks: yes/no/not applicable (4) (if not applicable: specify reasons: .)