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Comité Major Donors
Glandulae vestibulares majores
Klieren van Bartholin
Major histocompatibility complex
Major histocompatibility complex-molecule
Musculus pectoralis major
Structuur van ductus sublingualis major
Variola major-virus

Vertaling van "Major " (Nederlands → Engels) :


major histocompatibility complex | MHC [Abbr.]

major histocompatibility complex | MHC [Abbr.]

major histocompatibility complex-molecule | MHC-molecule | MHC-molecuul

major-histocompatibility complex molecule | MHC molecule

deficiëntie van 'major histocompatibility complex class I'

Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency

Cooley-anemie | thalassaemia | intermedia | thalassaemia | major

Cooley's anaemia Severe beta thalassaemia Thalassaemia:intermedia | major

structuur van ductus sublingualis major

Bartholin's duct

klieren van Bartholin [glandulae vestibulares majores]

Bartholin's [greater vestibular] gland
137,23 milioane de euro imputate Greciei pentru cheltuieli ineligibile și deficiențe majore ale Sistemul de informații geografice (GIS) utilizat pentru cultivarea măslinelor și ale controalelor la fața locului;

€ 137.23 million charged to Greece for ineligible expenditure and major shortcomings in the olive cultivation Geographical Information System (GIS) and on-the-spot controls;

Raportul recomandă ca statele membre şi CE să acorde o atenţie mai mare pentru sprijinirea proiectelor majore care acoperă două sau mai multe programe operaţionale, cu un impact major la nivel european: generare de valoare adăugată, creare de locuri de muncă de înaltă calitate şi protejarea dezvoltării durabile a regiunilor.

The report recommends that Member States and the European Commission pay greater attention to supporting major projects covering two or more operational programmes with a considerable impact at European level, which will generate added value, create high quality jobs and safeguard the regions’ sustainable development.

Het is u ook bekend dat er besprekingen worden gevoerd in het kader van de G8 en het door de Verenigde Staten geïnitieerde Major Economies initiative (Major Economies Process).

You also know that discussions are under way within the framework of the G8 and the Major Economies initiative (the Major Economies Process) launched by the United States.

Ik verwijs hier naar de Engelse tekst, waarin staat: “operator shall be required to perform a major part”. Die woorden “major part” zouden vervangen moeten worden door “a substantial part”.

Referring to the English text, which reads, ‘operator shall be required to perform a major part’, the term ‘major part’ is to be replaced by ‘a substantial part’.

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Hij herinnerde mij aan de onderhandelingen die in 1992 met John Major zijn gevoerd. Gelukkig wees de heer Schulz erop dat wij niet alleen John Major in de verkiezingen van 1997 hebben verslagen, maar later ook de drie daaropvolgende leiders.

He reminded me of John Major’s negotiations in 1992, so I was rather grateful for Mr Schulz reminding us that we defeated both him in the 1997 election and three subsequent leaders, but that is perhaps a point to make in a different forum.

Hij herinnerde mij aan de onderhandelingen die in 1992 met John Major zijn gevoerd. Gelukkig wees de heer Schulz erop dat wij niet alleen John Major in de verkiezingen van 1997 hebben verslagen, maar later ook de drie daaropvolgende leiders.

He reminded me of John Major’s negotiations in 1992, so I was rather grateful for Mr Schulz reminding us that we defeated both him in the 1997 election and three subsequent leaders, but that is perhaps a point to make in a different forum.

Deze aanpak kreeg voor het eerst vaste vorm in de brief van 30.11.1992 van Zijne Majesteit Koning Hassan aan de heer Major, fungerend Voorzitter van de Europese Raad.

The first step was King Hassan's letter of 30 November to John Major, then Council president.

In zijn antwoord aan de Koning van 6.1.1993, had de heer Major gewezen op het belang van de Marokkaanse maatregelen alsmede op de verbintenis van de Gemeenschap om de inspanningen van Marokko te steunen.

In his reply of 6 January, Mr Major stressed the importance of the Moroccan initiative and the Community's commitment to supporting it.

De Lid-Staten schijnen dit vaker te doen : de heren Kohl en Major hebben daar onlangs een voorbeeld van gegeven.

Member States seem to be doing it more frequently : Mr. Kohl and Mr. Major have set recent examples.

Inlichtingen : Europese Commissie, Dienst Voorlichting voor vrouwen, tel. +32 2 299.94.16 - Coördinator van de NIKI-prijs, tel. +44 272 73.30.82 - RTP, Lissabon, tel. +351 1 796.32.51 BIJLAGE DE BEKROONDE PROGRAMMA'S IN DE DRIE CATEGORIEÕN ZIJN : - Categorie Document : BBC (VK) voor het programma "Major, the Miners and Me" van Brenda Nixon, dat gericht is tegen stereotypen.

Further information can be obtained from: European Commission, Information for Women Unit (tel. + 32 2 299.94.16) Nike Prize Coordinator (tel. + 44 272 73.30.82) RTP Lisbon (tel. + 351 1 796.32.51) ANNEX THE WINNERS IN THE THREE CATEGORIES ARE: Documentary: BBC (United Kingdom) for "Major, the Miners and Me". Produced by Brenda Nixon, the programme sets out to eliminate stereotypes.

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'Major' ->

Date index: 2023-12-18