Y. overwegende dat sportorganisaties verschillende inkomstenbronnen hebben, zoals lidgeld, ticketverkoop, reclame en sponsoring, loterijen, mediarechten, inkomstenherverdeling binnen de sportfederaties, merchandising, overheidssteun enzovoort, waarbij de inkomsten uit door de staat georganiseerde of onder vergunning geëxploiteerde loterijen of kansspelen in vele lidstaten veruit de grootste inkomstenbron vormen,
Y. whereas sports organisations have many sources of income, such as club fees and ticket sales, advertising and sponsorship, lotteries, media rights, re-distribution of income within the sports federations and leagues, merchandising, public support, with revenues generated by state-owned or state-licensed lotteries and gambling operators being by far the largest source of income in many Member States,