De Commissie zal op grond van Verordening (EG) nr. 851/2005 van de Raad over het wederkerigheidsmechanisme, dat erop is gericht om, door middel van passende maatregelen, derde landen ertoe te brengen de wederkerigheid te garanderen, waarschijnlijk eind maart 2007 haar derde verslag indienen over wederkerigheidsregelingen inzake de ontheffing van de visumplicht.
It is expected that the Commission will, at the end of March 2007, and following on from Council Regulation 851/2005/EC on the reciprocity mechanism, the object of which is, by suitable measures, to induce third states to guarantee reciprocity, submit its third report on reciprocal arrangements for the purpose of exemption from visa requirements.