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Research open systems for Europe

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research open systems for Europe

research open systems for Europe | ROSE [Abbr.]
[24] Zie Mededeling van de Commissie 'Improving knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry across Europe: embracing open innovation', COM(2007) 182, 4.4.2007, en begeleidend werkdocument van de Commissie SEC(2007) 449.

[24] See Commission communication 'Improving knowledge transfer between research institutionsand industry across Europe: embracing open innovation' - COM(2007) 182, 4.4.2007 - and accompanying staff working document SEC(2007) 449.

Deze gezamenlijke actie moet voortbouwen op de onderstaande onderzoeks- en innovatieprojecten, hun uitvoering in de klinische praktijk bevorderen en gebruikmaken van hun resultaten en uitkomsten: CEDAR („Clinical decision making and outcome in routine care for people with severe mental illness”) (34), COPING („Children of Prisoners, Interventions Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health”) (35), ENBREC („European Network of Bipolar Research Expert Centres”), MentDis_ICF65+ („Prevalence, 1-year incidence and symptom severity of mental disorders in the elderly: Relationship to impairment, functioning (ICF) and service utilisation”) (36), REFINEMENT („ ...[+++]

This joint action should capitalise on the research and innovation projects listed below, foster their implementation in clinical practice, and make use of their results and outcomes: ‘Clinical decision making and outcome in routine care for people with severe mental illness’ (CEDAR) (34), ‘Children of Prisoners, Interventions Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health’ (COPING) (35), ‘European Network of Bipolar Research Expert Centr ...[+++]

EU-onderzoekers, -ondernemingen en –burgers krijgen gratis vrije toegang tot papers over de resultaten van door de EU gefinancierd onderzoek dankzij OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe, vrij toegankelijke infrastructuur voor onderzoek in Europa), die vandaag door de Europese Commissie aan de Belgische Gentse universiteit is opgestart.

EU researchers, businesses and citizens can have free and open access to EU-funded research papers thanks to OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe), which the European Commission launched today, at the University of Ghent in Belgium.

1. VERWELKOMT de mededeling van de Commissie, getiteld "Verbeteren van de kennisoverdracht tussen onderzoeksinstellingen en industrie binnen Europa: omarmen van open innovatie - Uitvoering van de Lissabon-agenda" en de begeleidende "Voluntary guidelines for universities and other research institutions to improve their links with industry across Europe" (niet-bindende richtsnoeren waardoor universiteiten en andere onderzoeksinstelli ...[+++]

1. WELCOMES the Commission's communication entitled "Improving Knowledge Transfer between research institutions and industry across Europe: embracing open innovation - Implementing the Lisbon Agenda" and the associated "Voluntary guidelines for universities and other research institutions to improve their links with industry across Europe"; WELCOMES the consultation on the Commission's Green Paper - The European Research Area: New Perspectives ;

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[24] Zie Mededeling van de Commissie 'Improving knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry across Europe: embracing open innovation', COM(2007) 182, 4.4.2007, en begeleidend werkdocument van de Commissie SEC(2007) 449.

[24] See Commission communication 'Improving knowledge transfer between research institutionsand industry across Europe: embracing open innovation' - COM(2007) 182, 4.4.2007 - and accompanying staff working document SEC(2007) 449.

De overige leden van de groep zijn: De heer Giuseppe AIROLDI I Vice-voorzitter voor opleidingsactiviteiten van de Universiteit van Bocconi Voormalig Directeur ontwikkeling en menselijk kapitaal van SDA-Bocconi Lid van de Raad van Bestuur van onderzoeksinstituten Mevrouw Maria AMBROSIO P Hoogleraar, Technische Universiteit van Lissabon Talrijke werken over verbanden tussen opleiding en technologische innovering Deskundige voor communautaire opleidingsprogramma's (EUROTECNET) De heer Wenceslas F Leider van een opleidingsinstantie die BAUDRILLARD relaties on ...[+++]

The group's other members are: Mr Giuseppe Airoldi I Vice-President for training activities, University of Bocconi Former Director of Human Resources Development, SDA-Bocconi Member of research institute management boards Coordinator of numerous research projects concerning company organisation Mrs Marla Ambrosio P Professor, Lisbon Technical University In-depth knowledge of relationship between training and technological innovation Expert on Community training programmes (EUROTECNET) Mr Wenceslas F Holds major position in training body linked to top Baudrillard industrial undertaking in electronics sector (Thomson) Formerly responsible ...[+++]

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Date index: 2024-08-20