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Satellietdienst voor personal communication

Vertaling van "Satellietdienst voor personal communication " (Nederlands → Engels) :

satellietdienst voor personal communication | S-PCS [Abbr.]

satellite personal communications service | S-PCS [Abbr.]

Naar de Personal Communications Omgeving: Groenboek inzake een gemeenschappelijke benadering op het gebied van mobiele en personal communications in de Europese Unie

Towards the Personal Communications Environment: Green Paper on a common approach in the field of mobile and personal Communications in the European Union

Groenboek inzake een gemeenschappelijke benadering op het gebied van mobiele en personal communications in de Europese Unie

Green paper on a common approach in the field of mobile and personal communications in the European Union
Satelliet grondstations en systemen (SES) — Geharmoniseerde EN voor mobiele grondstations, inclusief handsets voor Satellite Personal Communications Networks (S-PCN) werkzaam in de banden 1,6 /2,4 GHz als onderdeel van de mobile satellite service (MSS) onder artikel 3.2 van de 2014/53/EU-richtlijn

Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonised Standard for Mobile Earth Stations (MES), including handheld earth stations, for Satellite Personal Communications Networks (S-PCN) operating in the 1,6 GHz/2,4 GHz frequency band under the Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU

The European Community notes that the Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which takes the place of signature of the Agreement between the European Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on readmission of persons residing without authorisation, has been accomplished and that this cannot be interpreted as acceptance or recognition by the European Community in whatever form or content of a denomination other than the „former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.

The European Community notes that the Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which takes the place of signature of the Agreement between the European Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on readmission of persons residing without authorisation, has been accomplished and that this cannot be interpreted as acceptance or recognition by the European Community in whatever form or content of a denomination other than the ‘former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’.

Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications): Article 13

Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications): Article 13

(2) De procedure werd ingeleid naar aanleiding van een in december 1996 door Philips Personal Fax Electronik Fabrik, Communications Systems, Wien-Microelectronics, ingediende klacht.

(2) The proceeding was initiated as a result of a complaint lodged in December 1996 by Philips Personal Fax Electronik Fabrik, Communications Systems, Wien Microelectronics.

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- Philips Personal Fax Electronik Fabrik, Communications Systems, Wien-Microelectronics, Oostenrijk.

- Philips Personal Fax Electronik Fabrik, Communications Systems, Wien-Microelectronics, Austria

De ontwikkeling in de richting van personal communications zal in de hand worden gewerkt door de ontwikkeling in de richting van draagbaarheid op informaticagebied, via laptops, notebooks en penbooks thans naar volledige Personal Intelligent Communicators (PIC's) of Personal Digital Assistants (PDA's) die de kenmerken van telefoon, agenda en organiser combineren met PC-functies. Uiteindelijk zullen deze apparaten alle kenmerken van ...[+++]

The trend towards personal communications will be further reinforced by the current move towards portability in information technology, moving beyond laptop, notebook and pen-book computers towards full-scale Personal Intelligent Communicators (PICs) or Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), which will integrate the features of telephone, agenda and organiser, combined with PC functions, eventually offering all the features of modern telephony, such as video-phone, fax and multimedia applications.

8. Uitbreiding van de overdraagbaarheid van nummers voor gebruikers van netwerken voor mobiele communicatie en Personal Communications, alsmede voor gebruikers van bijzondere diensten (d.w.z. dat gebruikers waardevolle groene nummers of nummers voor Personal Communications-diensten moeten kunnen behouden), rekening houdend met de stand van ontwikkeling van het netwerk en de marktvraag.

8. The extension of number portability for users of mobile and personal communications networks as well as for users of special services (e.g. allowing users to retain valuable numbers of freephone or personal communications services), taking into account the state of network development and the level of demand.

ONTWERP-RICHTLIJNEN VAN DE COMMISSIE MET BETREKKING TOT - MOBIELE COMMUNICATIE EN PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS - DE VOLLEDIGE OPENSTELLING VOOR DE MEDEDINGING VAN DE MARKTEN VOOR TELECOMMUNICATIEDIENSTEN De Raad hield een uitvoerige gedachtenwisseling over bovengenoemde, op artikel 90, lid 3, van het Verdrag gebaseerde richtlijnen ; vervolgens nam hij de volgende conclusies aan : "DE RAAD, - NEEMT ER NOTA VAN dat de Commissie op 3 augustus 1995 heeft verzocht om eventuele opmerkingen van de Raad over de ontwerp-richtlijn van de Commissie ...[+++]

DRAFT COMMISSION DIRECTIVES ON - MOBILE AND PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS - IMPLEMENTATION OF FULL COMPETITION IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS MARKETS The Council held a wide-ranging exchange of views on the above draft Directives based on Article 90(3) of the Treaty; it then adopted the following conclusions: "The COUNCIL - NOTES that the Commission requested, on 3 August 1995, any comments from the Council on the draft Commission Directive amending Directive 90/388/EEC as regards mobile and personal communications; sent the President-in-Office of ...[+++]

DE ONTWIKKELING IN DE RICHTING VAN PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS Personal communications zal uiteindelijk persoon-tot-persoongesprekken mogelijk maken onafhankelijk van de plaats en de gebruikte terminal, het transmissiemedium (draad of draadloos) en/of de toegepaste technologie.

The trend towards personal communications Personal communications will ultimately allow person-to-person calling independent of location and the terminal used, the means of transmission (wired or wireless) and/or the choice of technology.

De belangrijkste maatregelen in het voorgestelde tijdschema zijn hieronder samengevat : (zie tabel) EVOLUTION OF THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK BEFORE 1992 1987: ----- - Green Paper on Telecoms 1988: ----- - Directive 88/301/EEC liberalising terminal equipments 1990: ----- - Directive 90/388/EEC liberalising all telecoms services except voice telephony for the public 1992: ----- - 1992 Review Communication TOWARDS THE LIBERALISATION OF TELECOMS 1993: ----- - Consultations on Review and communications - Green Paper on Mobile and Personal Communications 1993-1994-1995: -------------- ...[+++]

The major steps in the proposed schedule are summarized hereafter: (see annex) ANNEX EVOLUTION OF THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK BEFORE 1992 1987: ----- - Green Paper on Telecoms 1988: ----- - Directive 88/301/EEC liberalising terminal equipments 1990: ----- - Directive 90/388/EEC liberalising all telecoms services except voice telephony for the public 1992: ----- - 1992 Review Communication TOWARDS THE LIBERALISATION OF TELECOMS 1993: ----- - Consultations on Review and communications - Green Paper on Mobile and Personal Communications 1993-1994-1995: --------------- - Accelerated ...[+++]

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