Tot de deelnemers behoren verder Bernard Kouchner, minister van Buitenlandse en Europese Zaken, en Christine Boutin, minister van Huisvesting en steden (namens het Franse EU-voorzitterschap), diverse ministers uit de EU-lidstaten en uit kandidaat-lidstaten, George Soros, voorzitter van het Open Society Institute, Shigeo Katsu, vicevoorzitter van de Wereldbank, en Romani Rose, voorzitter van de Duitse centrale raad van Sinti en Roma.
They will be joined by Bernard Kouchner, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Christine Boutin, Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs (on behalf of the French EU Presidency), several ministers from EU Member States and candidate countries as well as George Soros, Chair of the Open Society Institute, Shigeo Katsu, Vice-President of the World Bank, and Romani Rose, President of the German Central Council of Sinti and Roma.