o sociale premies (sociale uitkeringen en sociale overdrachten in natura aan huishoudens via marktprocedures; ESR-code: D.62, D.6311, D.63121, D.63131), waarvan, indien van toepassing, werkloosheidsuitkeringen met inbegrip van uitkeringen in geld (D.621 en D.624) en in natura (D.6311, D.63121, D.631) ook moeten worden vermeld.
o Social payments (social benefits and social transfers in kind supplied to households via market producers ESA code: D.62, D.6311, D.63121, D.63131), of which, where applicable, unemployment benefits including cash benefits (D.621 and D.624) and in kind benefits (D.6311, D.63121, D.63131) related to unemployment benefits should be also specified.