Beschikt de Commissie over informatie over het verloop van de verwezenlijking tot nu toe van de prioritaire projecten en met name de projecten in/met Griekenland, te weten: project 7, verkeersas Igoumenítsa-Pátras-Athene-Sofia-Budapest, inclusief de Egnatia-verbinding en de Pathe-verbinding; project 21, zeeverbinding Zuid-Oost-Europa (Adriatische Zee-Ionische Zee-oostelijke Middellandse Zee-Cyprus); project 22, spoorverbinding Athene-Sofia-Budapest-Wenen; en project 29, spoorverbinding Ionische Zee-Adriatische Zee?
Does the Commission have an assessment of the progress made so far in implementing the priority projects and, in particular, the projects concerning Greece, i.e. Project 7, motorway axis Igoumenitsa/Patras-Athens-Sofia-Budapest, which includes the Egnatia highway and Pathe; Project 21, the south-east Europe 'sea motorway' (Adriatic-Ionian Sea-Eastern Mediterranean-Cyprus); Project 22, rail axis Athens-Sofia-Budapest-Vienna; and Project 29, rail axis on the Ionian Sea/Adriatic?