3. neemt er kennis van dat de vestiging van Talk Talk zich bevond in de buitenwijken van de stad Waterford, in de NUTS III-regio Zuidoost-Ierland, en dat de gemiddelde werkloosheidscijfers in deze regio altijd al hoger lagen dan in de rest van het land; verder is de regio onevenredig hard getroffen door de financiële en economische crisis: zo is de werkloosheid in de regio fors gestegen van 4,9% in 2007 tot 18,2% in 2011 (ten opzichte van een nationaal gemiddelde van 14,3 %);
3. Notes that Talk Talk facility was located on the outskirts of Waterford City in the NUTS III South East Region of Ireland, and that this region has had persistently higher than average levels of unemployment compared to the rest of the country; furthermore, it has fared disproportionately badly as a result of the financial and economic crisis, for example, since 2007, the region’s unemployment rate has jumped from 4,9 % to 18,2 % in 2011 compared to a national average of 14,3 %;