2. betreurt de repressie van politieke tegenstanders; dringt bij de regering van de Maldiven aan op onmiddellijke en onvoorwaardelijke vrijlating van oud-president Nasheed, oud-vice-president Ahmed Adeeb, en de oud-ministers van defensie Ibrahim en Nazim, alsmede sjeik Imran Abdulla, en andere politieke tegenstanders, en alle tenlasteleggingen in te trekken; is ook bezorgd over de verslechterende gezondheidstoestand van de oud-president;
2. Deplores the crackdown on political opponents; calls on the Government of the Maldives to release, immediately and unconditionally, former president Mohamed Nasheed, former vice-president Ahmed Adeeb and former defence ministers Tholhath Ibrahim and Mohamed Nazim, together with Sheikh Imran Abdulla and other political prisoners, and to clear them of all charges; is also concerned about the former president’s deteriorating health;